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Prison Work-Release Programs and Incarcerated Women’s Labor Market Outcomes
The Prison Journal ( IF 1.435 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-09 , DOI: 10.1177/0032885519875009
Haeil Jung 1 , Robert J. LaLonde 2

This article examines whether the work-release program in Illinois prisons increases women’s earnings and employment. Using a large matched adminis-trative database, we find that a longer time served in an Adult Transition Center (ATC) increases total earnings and the probability of being employed during the time in an ATC, for both ATC parolees and dropouts. Furthermore, ATC parolees and dropouts with a longer stay in an ATC had sizable increases in their earnings and employment rates after incarceration. However, the incompletion of the ATC terms by ATC dropouts seemed to carry stigma that reduces their post-incarceration earnings or employment rates.



本文探讨伊利诺伊州监狱的工作释放计划是否会增加女性的收入和就业。使用大型匹配的管理数据库,我们发现在成人过渡中心 (ATC) 服务的时间越长,ATC 假释者和辍学者的总收入和在 ATC 期间受雇的可能性都会增加。此外,在 ATC 停留时间较长的 ATC 假释者和辍学者在入狱后的收入和就业率都有了可观的增长。然而,ATC 辍学人员未能完成 ATC 条款似乎带来了耻辱,这会降低他们入狱后的收入或就业率。