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Identifying Virtues and Values Through Obituary Data-Mining
The Journal of Value Inquiry ( IF 0.545 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s10790-017-9602-0
Mark Alfano , Andrew Higgins , Jacob Levernier

‘‘Call no one happy until they are dead.’’ ‘‘Never speak ill of the dead.’’ If we still heed the injunctions of Solon and Chilon of Sparta, then obituaries, which represent a prominent way of expressing the human universal of grief, are a resource for philosophical anthropology. Philosophers have emphasized that we can determine what counts as a virtue for a given type of person in a given cultural context by analyzing what people say about the dead [1]. Such judgments summarize the deceased’s life and place it in a meaningful narrative context. This is why practitioners of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy ask patients to write their own obituaries: doing so helps people clarify what they value, how they want to live, and what their lives mean [2]. In popular culture, this attitude has recently cropped in the Black Obituary project, which was founded by Ja’han Jones in 2016 to enable Black Americans to write their own obituaries in case they become the victims of lethal police violence. He characterizes the texts as ‘‘agonizingly introspective works,’’ saying, ‘‘These are Black lives, as told by those who experience them in all their glory—tragedy—frustration—triumph.’’ The ability —



“除非他们死了,否则不要称他们为快乐。”“永远不要说死者的坏话。”如果我们仍然听从斯巴达的梭伦和奇隆的训诫,那么讣告是表达人类普遍性的一种突出方式悲伤,是哲学人类学的资源。哲学家们强调,通过分析人们对死者的看法,我们可以确定在特定文化背景下,对于特定类型的人来说什么是美德 [1]。这样的判断总结了死者的生活,并将其置于有意义的叙事背景中。这就是为什么接受和承诺疗法的从业者要求患者写他们自己的讣告:这样做有助于人们阐明他们的价值、他们想要的生活方式以及他们的生活意义 [2]。在流行文化中,这种态度最近出现在黑色讣告项目中,由 Ja'han Jones 于 2016 年创立,旨在让美国黑人能够撰写自己的讣告,以防他们成为致命的警察暴力的受害者。他将这些文本描述为“令人痛苦的内省作品”,并说,“这些都是黑人的生活,正如那些经历过他们所有荣耀——悲剧——挫折——胜利的人所说的那样。”能力——