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Social Relations, Shared Practices, and Emotions: Alexander von Humboldt’s Excursion into Literary Classicism and the Challenges to Science around 1800
The Journal of Modern History ( IF 0.833 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-01 , DOI: 10.1086/701757
Andreas W. Daum

In 1795, Alexander von Humboldt published an allegorical story entitled “Vital Force, or the Rhodian Genius” in Die Horen (The Horae), a journal named after the Greek goddesses of time and seasons. Friedrich Schiller, next to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe the foremost literary figure in the German-language realm, had just founded the periodical. Die Horen brought together some of the best literary and philosophical talents of the era. These writers believed that a new appreciation of classical and particularly Greek culture was necessary to provide a foundation for the German nation, which began as a cultural idea before it was transformed with multiple twists into a Prussian-dominated nationstate more than six decades later. As a result, later generations regarded the founding of Die Horen as a critical moment of German history. They turned it into a landmark of classicism and so-called neohumanism—that is, the rediscov-


社会关系、共享实践和情感:亚历山大·冯·洪堡 (Alexander von Humboldt) 对文学古典主义的探索和 1800 年左右对科学的挑战

1795 年,亚历山大·冯·洪堡 (Alexander von Humboldt) 在以希腊时间和季节女神命名的期刊 Die Horen (The Horae) 上发表了一篇寓言故事,题为“Vital Force, or the Rhodian Genius”。弗里德里希·席勒 (Friedrich Schiller) 与德语领域最重要的文学人物约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德 (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) 相邻,他刚刚创立了该期刊。Die Horen 汇集了那个时代一些最优秀的文学和哲学人才。这些作家认为,必须对古典文化,尤其是希腊文化进行新的欣赏,才能为德意志民族奠定基础,德意志民族开始时是一种文化理念,但在 6 多年后经过多重曲折转变为普鲁士主导的民族国家。因此,后人将迪霍伦的建立视为德国历史上的一个关键时刻。