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The Motherland Calls: “Soft” Repatriation of Soviet Citizens from Europe, 1945–1953
The Journal of Modern History ( IF 0.833 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-01 , DOI: 10.1086/697460
Sheila Fitzpatrick

The Allies agreed at Yalta in February 1945 on the speedy repatriation of all persons displaced in the course of the Second World War, despite worrying signs that some Soviet prisoners of war (POWs) and forced laborers would resist return to their homeland. From the Soviet standpoint, repatriation of all Soviet citizens, whether they wanted it or not, was nonnegotiable. Over 4million POWs and other displaced persons (DPs) were duly dispatched to the Soviet Union by early 1946, with the active cooperation of the United States and Britain but in a climate of mounting uneasiness on their part. After that, vehement resistance in the DP camps and increasing revulsion to forced repatriation on the part of the WesternAllies slowedSoviet repatriation to a trickle. Therewere still about amillion “hard core” DPs from the Soviet Union and other East European countries left in Europe, mainly in Germany, Austria, and Italy, under the care of UNRRA (the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) and the military governments of theAmerican, British, and French zones of occupation. According to Soviet estimates, almost half of these were Soviet citizens.



盟军于 1945 年 2 月在雅尔塔同意迅速遣返所有在第二次世界大战期间流离失所的人,尽管有迹象表明一些苏联战俘 (POW) 和强迫劳动者会拒绝返回家园令人担忧。从苏联的角度来看,遣返所有苏联公民,无论他们是否愿意,都是不容谈判的。到 1946 年初,在美国和英国的积极合作下,超过 400 万战俘和其他流离失所者 (DP) 被正式派往苏联,但他们的不安气氛日益加剧。在那之后,DP 营地的激烈抵抗和西方盟国对强制遣返的日益厌恶使苏联的遣返变得缓慢。仍有大约一百万来自苏联和其他东欧国家的“硬核”流离失所者留在欧洲,主要在德国、奥地利和意大利,在联合国救济和康复管理局(UNRRA)和军政府的照顾下。美国、英国和法国占领区。据苏联估计,其中近一半是苏联公民。