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The Things that Remain: Encountering Ruination and Remnants in a Post-Conflict Landscape in Western Cambodia
The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology ( IF 0.980 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-29 , DOI: 10.1080/14442213.2020.1755890
Lisa Arensen

This paper explores place-making in a landscape materially altered by three decades of conflict. In Reaksmei Songha village, postwar settlers’ future aspirations and present needs drive the process of reconfiguring the physical environment. Artifacts of the past are selectively enlisted in this place-making project—those that index the agricultural fertility of the past are preserved; the remnants of pre-war houses are discarded; war debris is removed, recycled for other purposes, or destroyed. Yet people’s associations with these objects at times complicate this project of remaking the cultivated landscape. Drawing on ethnography, this paper illustrates that residents’ engagements with material remnants of the past are qualified by their specific histories and subjective relationships with such objects. Conceptual work on the agentive nature of material things is questioned through an exploration of how ruins and remnants are implicated in place-making in the aftermath of war.



本文探讨了在经过三十年冲突而发生重大变化的景观中的场所营造。在Reaksmei Songha村,战后移民的未来愿望和当前需求推动了物理环境的重新配置过程。在这个地方创造项目中,有选择地招募了过去的人工制品-保留了过去农业生产力的指数;战前房屋的残留物被丢弃;清除战争残骸,将其回收用于其他目的,或销毁。然而,人们与这些物体的联系有时使改造耕地景观的项目变得复杂。借助民族志,本文说明了居民与过去的物质遗迹的交往受其特定的历史和与这些客体的主观关系的限制。