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Politically Assisted Procreation and State Heterosexualism
South Atlantic Quarterly ( IF 1.763 ) Pub Date : 2016-04-01 , DOI: 10.1215/00382876-3488502
Paul B. Preciado

In 2013 the passage of France’s “marriage for all” law broadened the institution of marriage and extended its political privileges, but a refusal by the French government to accept medically assisted procreation for nonheterosexual couples, collectives, and individuals upholds hegemonic methods of reproduction and confirms that France’s Socialist Party supports a policy of state heterosexualism: normative, obligatory heterosexuality would once again be legitimized as a national governmental technique.1 Limiting medically assisted procreation to heterosexual reproducers is the response of the feudal lords of techno-heterosexuality, the answer of the guarantors of the symbolic national masculinist order (who in this case have reached an agreement with the latest defenders of Judeo-Christian-Islamic values) to an unprecedented secular sociopolitical conflict that could threaten their power by giving the bodies of the multitude cooperative control over their own cells, fluids, and reproductive organs. In biological terms, suggesting that you need a “man” and a “woman” to carry out sexual reproduction is as absurd as earlier notions that you could procreate only with a body that shared your religion, your “blood,” your skin color, or your social status. If we are now capable of identifying all of these as political prescriptions that relied on religious, racial, or class ideologies, we ought to also be able to discern the underlying heterosexist ideology and gender-normalization processes in arguments that make the sexual-political union of one man and one woman a condition for reproduction.


