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In the Wake of the Greek Spring and the Summer of Migration
South Atlantic Quarterly ( IF 1.763 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-01 , DOI: 10.1215/00382876-7166092
Sandro Mezzadra

It was spring in Athens. Can you remember that? Somebody would say that the spring started on a Sunday, in January 2015, with the victory of Syriza at the national elections. A new “radical left coalition” party founded in 2004, Syriza, and its young leader, Alexis Tsipras, had been able to catalyze the imagination and hopes of the Left throughout Europe in the previous years, positioning themselves at the forefront in struggles against “austerity” in the wake of the “sovereign debt crisis,” the speci„c form in which the „nancial crisis of 2007/8 hit Europe in 2010. But the Greek spring also had diŠerent histories and temporalities. One could say that it started with the uprising and riots after two special police oŒcers killed a „fteen-year-old student, Alexis Grigoroupolos, on December 6, 2008, in the Exarchia district of Athens. Yet another starting point was the occupation of the central Syntagma square in 2011, the Greek manifestation of the Occupy movement. And how many general strikes took place in those years? How often were high schools and universities occupied? How many times did demonstrators violently clash with riot police in front of Parliament to protest the vote to accept the European Union’s austerity requirements? Here are just a couple of snapshots, which could be easily multiplied: Greece was for several years center stage in a radical clash surrounding European austerity policies, living through a deep economic crisis, and under attack from the so-called Troika (European Commission, European Central Bank, International Monetary Fund). But it was above all a space of rebellious and constituent politics, driven by a heterogeneous social composition, capable



那是雅典的春天。你能记住吗?有人会说春天始于 2015 年 1 月的一个星期天,当时激进左翼联盟在全国选举中获胜。一个新的“激进左翼联盟”政党成立于 2004 年,激进左翼联盟及其年轻领导人亚历克西斯·齐普拉斯(Alexis Tsipras)在前几年已经能够在整个欧洲激发左翼的想象力和希望,将自己定位在反对“激进左翼联盟”的斗争的最前沿。 “主权债务危机”之后的紧缩政策,这是 2007/8 年金融危机在 2010 年袭击欧洲的具体形式。但希腊的春天也有不同的历史和时间。可以说,2008 年 12 月 6 日,两名特警在雅典 Exarchia 区杀害了一名 15 岁的学生亚历克西斯·格里戈鲁波洛斯 (Alexis Grigoroupolos) 后,发生了起义和骚乱。另一个起点是 2011 年对中央宪法广场的占领,这是占领运动的希腊表现形式。那些年发生了多少次总罢工?高中和大学被占用的频率如何?示威者有多少次在议会前与防暴警察发生暴力冲突,以抗议接受欧盟紧缩要求的投票?这里只是几个快照,可以很容易地放大:几年来,希腊一直是围绕欧洲紧缩政策的激进冲突的中心舞台,经历了深刻的经济危机,并受到所谓的三驾马车(欧盟委员会,欧洲中央银行、国际货币基金组织)。但它首先是一个反叛的政治空间,由异质的社会构成驱动,