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Revisiting Sigmund Freud's Diagrams of the Mind
Social Analysis ( IF 1.100 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-01 , DOI: 10.3167/sa.2019.630402
Ro Spankie 1

An architect by background, my research centres on the role of the drawing in the design process, in particular in relation to the creation of interior space. The word interior comes from the Latin interior meaning inner, or inter meaning within and one of its original uses was to describe that which is ‘belonging to or existing in the mind or soul; mental or spiritual, as distinguished from that which is bodily’. While attempting to define what distinguishes an interior from the architecture that contains it I came across a set of diagrams by Sigmund Freud drawn at the point that his investigations shifted from the physical anatomy of the brain to the abstract functional workings of the mind. Could this shift from descriptive anatomy, to brain function and the hypothetical structures of psychoanalysis give insight into the relationship between the body/architecture and the mind/interior?



作为一名具有建筑师背景的建筑师,我的研究集中在绘图在设计过程中的作用,特别是与室内空间的创造有关。内部这个词来自拉丁语内部,意思是内在的,或内部的意思,它的原始用途之一是描述“属于或存在于思想或灵魂中的东西;精神的或精神的,区别于身体的'。在试图定义内部与包含它的建筑之间的区别时,我遇到了西格蒙德·弗洛伊德 (Sigmund Freud) 绘制的一组图表,当时他的研究从大脑的物理解剖学转向了抽象的思维功能运作。这是否可以从描述性解剖学转变,