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Secularism and Secular People
Public Culture ( IF 1.442 ) Pub Date : 2018-05-01 , DOI: 10.1215/08992363-4310874
Joseph Blankholm

Author(s): Blankholm, Joseph | Abstract: This article bridges the gap between the study of religion-making secularism and the study of secular people with an empirical analysis of three recent lawsuits filed by secular activists in the United States. Each suit asks the courts to understand nonbelievers in a different way: one group refuses to identify as religious, another wants to be protected as a religious minority, and a third wants to be analogized to religion without actually being called religious. Relying on extensive fieldwork among these and other nonbeliever organizations, this article contextualizes each lawsuit and demonstrates how nonbelievers often exceed the binaries of secularism and warrant a more capacious understanding of religion.



作者:Blankholm, Joseph | 摘要:本文通过对美国世俗活动家最近提起的三起诉讼的实证分析,弥合了宗教世俗主义研究与世俗人研究之间的差距。每起诉讼都要求法院以不同的方式理解非信徒:一个群体拒绝被认定为宗教信仰者,另一个群体希望作为宗教少数群体受到保护,第三个群体希望被类比为宗教,但实际上并不被称为宗教信仰。依靠这些组织和其他非信徒组织之间的广泛实地调查,本文将每起诉讼置于背景下,并展示了非信徒如何经常超越世俗主义的二元论,并保证对宗教有更广泛的理解。