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The effects of music listening on the management of pain in primary dysmenorrhea: A randomized controlled clinical trial
Nordic Journal of Music Therapy ( IF 1.800 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-16 , DOI: 10.1080/08098131.2020.1761867
Juan Sebastian Martin-Saavedra 1 , Angela Maria Ruiz-Sternberg 1


Introduction: This study aims to explore the effects of music listening, compared to silence, on pain management in primary dysmenorrhea (PD).

Method: A researcher-blinded randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted from September 2017 to April 2018 at the Universidad del Rosario (Bogota, Colombia). Women with PD aged between 18 years and 26 years old were included. The intervention was provided during the first 12 hours of menses. Participants were instructed to avoid analgesics until the intervention. The music group (n = 29) listened to a C major musical composition with a tempo of 60 beats per minute and no percussion nor lyrics. Silence was used for the control group (n = 23). Both interventions lasted 29ʹ32” and participants wore headphones in both groups. Pain (using a 10-cm visual analogue scale), anxiety (using the Zung scale), and the expressed desire to use other analgesic treatments were evaluated immediately after and 3–6 hours after the intervention. The primary outcome was change in pain from pre to post intervention measurements.

Results: Homogeneity between groups was reached. Adjusted mean pain scores after the interventions were significantly lower (p = 0.006; R 2 = 0.545) in the music group (adjusted mean 3.13) than the silence group (adjusted mean 4.56). Logistic regression showed that music group was more likely to reduce analgesic use after the intervention (OR 5.4, 95% CI 1.4–21, R 2 = 0.28).

Discussion: Music listening during the first 12 hours of menses significantly reduced pain and the need for analgesics in PD compared to silence.

Trial registration: NCT03593850; ClinicalTrials.gov





方法:于2017年9月至2018年4月在罗萨里奥大学(哥伦比亚波哥大)进行了研究者盲目的随机对照临床试验。PD年龄在18岁至26岁之间的女性也包括在内。在月经的前12小时内进行了干预。指示参与者在干预之前避免使用止痛药。音乐小组(n = 29)聆听了C大调的音乐作品,节奏为每分钟60拍,没有打击乐或歌词。对照组使用沉默(n = 23)。两种干预措施的持续时间均为29” 32英寸,两组的参与者均戴着耳机。在干预后和干预后3至6小时,评估疼痛(使用10厘米视觉模拟量表),焦虑(使用Zung量表)和表达使用其他止痛药的意愿。

结果:组间达到同质。干预后调整后的平均疼痛评分在 音乐组(调整后平均值为3.13)中明显低于沉默组(调整后平均值为4.56)(p = 0.006;R 2 = 0.545)。Logistic回归显示,干预后音乐组更有可能减少镇痛剂的使用(OR 5.4,95%CI 1.4-21,R 2  = 0.28)。


