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Comparison of a Nintendo Wii balance board with a laboratory-grade force plate on measurement of transitional movements
Kinesiology ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.26582/k.51.1.2
Francesco Sgrò 1 , Roberto Coppola 2 , Salvatore Pignato 1 , Mario Lipoma 1

The aim of this study was to verify whether the Nintendo Wii-Balance-Board was valid and reliable for assessing sit-to-stand and return-to-sit tasks by comparing it with a gold-standard force plate. Ten elderly (age = 78.21±14.82 years; males=4; females=6) and eleven young (age =24.25±12.43 years; males=6; females=5) participants of both genders performed five sit-to-stand and return-to-sit tasks consecutively by placing their feet on the Wii-Balance-Board; after two days of rest, they repeated the same assessment. The Wii-Balance- Board was positioned over the force plate to concurrently acquire the vertical component of ground reaction forces. Relevant kinetic and temporal parameters were estimated from these signals. Both the Wii-Balance-Board and force plate measurements resulted in a high level of correlation for almost all the parameters (Pearson’s product-moment r ranged from 0.91 to 0.99, p<.001) and, for the same parameters, intra-class correlation coefficients revealed a high level of agreement between the devices (ranged from 0.93 to 0.99). Bland-Altman plots and regression analysis detected systematic and fixed biases for two parameters (i.e., the inclination of force in standing and rising), while other parameters resulted with none systematic biases; the absolute magnitude of those differences was trivial or small (standardized biases ranged from 0.01 to 0.4). A high level of intra-device reliability was measured for all the parameters (intra-class correlation coefficients ranged from 0.85 to 0.99). The Wii-Balance-Board proved valid and reliable in comparison with a force plate for assessing transition movements so it can be considered a valuable solution for supporting the assessment procedures of average practitioners. Key words: sit-to-stand, return-to-sit, validity analysis, low-cost device, reliability analysis



这项研究的目的是通过将任天堂Wii-Balance-Board与黄金标准测力板进行比较,验证其是否有效可靠地评估了坐姿-站立和返回坐姿任务。十名老年人(年龄= 78.21±14.82岁;男性= 4;女性= 6)和十一名青年(年龄= 24.25±12.43岁;男性= 6;女性= 5),男女双方坐着坐着并返回了五次通过将脚放到Wii-Balance-Board板上来连续地坐下任务;休息两天后,他们重复了相同的评估。Wii-Balance-Board放置在测力板上,以同时获取地面反作用力的垂直分量。从这些信号估计相关的动力学和时间参数。Wii-Balance-Board板和测力板的测量都对几乎所有参数(Pearson的乘积矩r介于0.91至0.99,p <.001)产生了高度相关性,并且对于相同的参数,组内相关系数显示设备之间的一致性很高(范围从0.93到0.99)。Bland-Altman图和回归分析检测到两个参数的系统偏差和固定偏差(即,站立和上升时的力量倾斜度),而其他参数没有系统偏差。这些差异的绝对值很小或很小(标准偏差范围为0.01到0.4)。对于所有参数,设备内可靠性都得到了很高的衡量(类内相关系数范围为0.85至0.99)。与用于评估过渡运动的测力板相比,Wii-Balance-Board被证明是有效和可靠的,因此可以认为它是支持普通从业人员评估程序的有价值的解决方案。关键词:坐姿,返座率,有效性分析,低成本设备,可靠性分析