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Panpipes and clubs: early images of Tanna Islanders
Journal of the Polynesian Society ( IF 1.063 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.15286/jps.129.1.7-28
Lamont Lindstrom

William Hodges, James Cook's artist on his second voyage, produced notably popular and influential drawings and paintings. These included several illustrations of Tanna Islanders (Vanuatu) that shaped European visions of the island from the 1770s through the 1830s, after which they were supplanted by Christian missionary depictions. Influenced by neoclassicist artistic convention, Hodges's engravings, which subsequently were much copied, commonly paired panpipes with clubs in islander hands. A chain of early engravings that feature panpipes and clubs reveals an initial heroic vision of natural island dignity, as both these accessories evoked European classical ideals. Although subsequent Christian and social evolutionary views later disavowed noble savage tropes, these persist in contemporary touristic appreciation of island musical talent and tradition.



詹姆斯·库克第二次航行的艺术家威廉·霍奇斯(William Hodges)创作了颇受欢迎且有影响力的素描和油画。其中包括对塔纳岛居民(瓦努阿图)的几幅插图,这些插图塑造了欧洲从1770年代到1830年代对该岛的看法,之后被基督教传教士描绘所取代。受新古典主义艺术传统的影响,霍奇斯的版画随后被大量复制,通常将排箫与岛民手中的棍棒配对。一连串带有排箫和球杆的早期雕刻作品,揭示了对自然岛屿尊严的最初英雄气概,因为这两个配件都唤起了欧洲古典理想。尽管后来的基督教和社会进化论观点后来拒绝了崇高的野蛮对白,