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A Mediterranean Apocalypse: Prophecies of Empire in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient ( IF 0.510 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-14 , DOI: 10.1163/15685209-12341443
Cornell H. Fleischer 1

This article traces the intertwining of contemporaneous Muslim and Christian millenarian beliefs and excitation from the early fifteenth to late sixteenth centuries, specifically as crystalized by the rise of the Ottoman power, the Muslim conquest of “Rome” (Constantinople) in 1453, and the sixteenth century Ottoman-Habsburg rivalry for recognition as legitimate claimants to the world empire of the last age of history. The most influential formulator of the Ottoman eschatological identity was the mystic and lettrist ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Bisṭāmī, whose works underlie the fully articulated royal messianism of Sultan Suleymān (r. 1520-1566). At Suleymān’s court the French orientalist and apocalyptic enthusiast Guillaume Postel, a proponent of French Valois universal end-time monarchy, saw al-Bisṭāmī’s work brandished in 1535. Following the trajectory of the production, consumption, and deployment of these texts in the context of revolutionary changes across the Mediterranean—not least of all in understandings of religions and their relationship to historical empire—makes clear the centrality of apocalyptic to contemporary understandings of history and the significance (and legitimacy) of the new imperial formations, and to new understandings of the interrelationship between cognate, if sometimes hostile, monotheisms.



本文追溯了同时代的穆斯林和基督教千年信仰与十五世纪初至十六世纪末的交织在一起,特别是随着奥斯曼帝国的崛起,穆斯林在1453年征服“罗马”(君士坦丁堡)以及第十六世纪所形成的结晶世纪之初的奥斯曼帝国-哈布斯堡帝国(Ottoman-Habsburg)争夺被承认为历史上最后一个世界帝国的合法主张者。奥斯曼帝国末世身份最有影响力的制定者是神秘主义者和莱let主义者ʿ阿卜杜勒·拉ḥ曼·阿尔·比沙米,他的作品是苏丹苏莱曼(SultanSuleymān,1520-1566年)充分表达的皇家弥赛亚主义的基础。在苏莱曼法院,法国东方主义者和世界末日的狂热者纪尧姆·波斯特尔(Guillaume Postel)是法国瓦卢瓦世界末日君主制的拥护者,他看到毕比阿米的作品于1535年盛行。