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Review: The Lions’ Den: Zionism and the Left from Hannah Arendt to Noam Chomsky, by Susie Linfield
Journal of Palestine Studies ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1525/jps.2020.49.2.92
David Lloyd 1

The Lions’ Den: Zionism and the Left from Hannah Arendt to Noam Chomsky , by Susie Linfield. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2019. 400 pages. $32.50 cloth, $20.00 paper. The Lions’ Den: Zionism and the Left from Hannah Arendt to Noam Chomsky bears a subtitle that is a grave misnomer. Of the “Left” intellectuals treated in this book, all but one—former New Left Review editorial board member Fred Halliday—are Jewish. Not that there is anything wrong with Susie Linfield’s focus on Jewish intellectuals in itself. At a time when critics of Israel are being wantonly targeted as anti-Semites, a book that offers a broad spectrum of Jewish responses to Zionism valuably reminds us of the long and venerable tradition of Jewish anti-Zionism. It is no accident that this selection sells the Left short. It is one thing that the anti-Zionist Left is rarely invoked except as an anonymous block (“Many if not most leftists rejected the very existence of a state for the Jewish people” [p. 209]); it is another thing that this “Left,” despite being supposedly in thrall to third-world nationalisms, is almost entirely Euro-American. How is it possible to write a book that pretends to be an account of Zionism and the Left without including—except in perfunctorily negative asides—Edward Said, whose “Zionism from the Standpoint of Its Victims” remains a classic and remarkably generous Left engagement with that ideology and its consequences.* …



狮子的巢穴:犹太复国主义和左派,从汉娜·阿伦特到诺姆·乔姆斯基,苏西·林菲尔德着。康涅狄格州纽黑文:耶鲁大学出版社,2019 年。400 页。布 32.50 美元,纸 20.00 美元。从汉娜·阿伦特 (Hannah Arendt) 到诺姆·乔姆斯基 (Noam Chomsky) 的《狮子巢穴:犹太复国主义和左派》(The Lions' Den: Zionism and the Left) 带有一个严重用词不当的副标题。在本书中处理的“左派”知识分子中,除了一个——前《新左派评论》编辑委员会成员弗雷德·哈利迪——之外,所有的人都是犹太人。并不是说苏西林菲尔德对犹太知识分子的关注本身有什么问题。在以色列的批评者被肆意当作反犹太主义者的时候,一本提供犹太人对犹太复国主义的广泛反应的书,有价值地提醒我们犹太反犹太复国主义的悠久而古老的传统。这个选择卖空左派并非偶然。反犹太复国主义左派很少被引用,除非是作为一个匿名的块(“许多(如果不是大多数)左派拒绝犹太人民族的国家存在”[p. 209]),这是一回事;另一件事是,尽管据称受第三世界民族主义的束缚,这个“左派”几乎完全是欧美人。怎么可能写一本书假装是对犹太复国主义和左派的描述而不包括——除了敷衍地否定——爱德华·赛义德,他的“从受害者的角度来看犹太复国主义”仍然是左派的经典和非常慷慨的参与这种意识形态及其后果。* ... ”尽管据称受到第三世界民族主义的束缚,但几乎完全是欧美人。怎么可能写一本书假装是对犹太复国主义和左派的描述而不包括——除了敷衍地否定——爱德华·赛义德,他的“从受害者的角度来看犹太复国主义”仍然是左派的经典和非常慷慨的参与这种意识形态及其后果。* ... ”尽管据称受到第三世界民族主义的束缚,但几乎完全是欧美人。怎么可能写一本书假装是对犹太复国主义和左派的描述而不包括——除了敷衍地否定——爱德华·赛义德,他的“从受害者的角度来看犹太复国主义”仍然是左派的经典和非常慷慨的参与这种意识形态及其后果。* ...