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Operation Condor on Trial: Justice for Transnational Human Rights Crimes in South America
Journal of Latin American Studies ( IF 1.058 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-13 , DOI: 10.1017/s0022216x18000767
Francesca Lessa

In May 2016, an Argentine federal court concluded a momentous trial, convicting 15 defendants of illegal kidnappings and torture committed against over 100 victims of Operation Condor, and ofasociación ilícita(‘illicit association’: conspiracy to commit a criminal offence) to perpetrate these violations. Operation Condor was the codename given to a continent-wide covert operation devised in the 1970s by South American regimes to eliminate hundreds of left-wing activists across the region. The Operation Condor verdict of 2016 broke new ground in human rights and transitional justice, for its innovative focus on transnational crimes and for holding state agents accountable for extraterritorial human rights violations. By analysing this pioneering case, the article brings the question of cross-border crimes into academic debate. As borders become more porous, scholars and practitioners can no longer afford to side-line the topic of accountability for transnational crimes.



2016 年 5 月,阿根廷联邦法院结束了一项重大审判,判定 15 名被告犯有对 100 多名秃鹰行动的受害者实施的非法绑架和酷刑,以及法律协会(“非法结社”:共谋实施刑事犯罪)实施这些违法行为。秃鹰行动是南美政权在 1970 年代设计的一项覆盖整个大陆的秘密行动的代号,目的是消灭该地区数百名左翼激进分子。2016 年的“秃鹰行动”判决在人权和过渡时期司法方面开辟了新天地,因为它对跨国犯罪的创新关注以及追究国家代理人对域外侵犯人权行为的责任。通过对这一开创性案例的分析,本文将跨境犯罪问题带入学术辩论。随着边界变得更加漏洞百出,学者和从业者再也不能将跨国犯罪问责的话题搁置一旁。