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Women’s experiences of repression in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
Journal of Baltic Studies ( IF 0.484 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/01629778.2020.1712118
Aigi Rahi-Tamm 1

previously projected. The authors also conducted new archival research on various veteran societies in East Prussia and Lithuania. After the war, veterans formed communities and actively fought for their recognition, integration, and social welfare. In Germany, disabled veterans were compensated by the state, while in Lithuania a functioning system for their compensation was established only in 1930 (438). When implemented, however, this system discriminated against the Great War veterans of the Russian Army, favoring instead the disabled veterans of the Lithuanian Army. As a drawback of the volume, I would mention the way the authors have chosen to describe the actual war experiences of civilians in the first section. Much of it is spent trying to extrapolate the numbers of various social and ethnic groups that suffered from the war, instead of focusing on their lived experiences and the social and emotional impact of these experiences. To conclude, the volume represents a significant conceptual, thematic, and empirical breakthrough in the studies of the Great War in the Baltic region. Its comparative perspective, the focus on various communities of war experience, its scope of research, introduction of new themes, and archival materials makes it a must-read for any specialist interested in the history of the Great War in Lithuania and East Prussia. Although the book was published in Lithuanian, the authors have published the major findings of their research in a collection of articles in English (Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis, vol. 34, 2017). There is little doubt that the quality of the volume has established Klaipėda University as one of leading centers of World War I studies in the Baltic region.



之前预计。作者还对东普鲁士和立陶宛的各种退伍军人社团进行了新的档案研究。战后,退伍军人组成社区并积极争取他们的认可、融合和社会福利。在德国,残疾退伍军人由国家补偿,而在立陶宛,他们的补偿制度仅在 1930 年建立(438)。然而,在实施时,该系统歧视了俄罗斯军队的一战老兵,而偏爱立陶宛军队的残疾老兵。作为本书的一个缺点,我想提到作者在第一部分中选择描述平民实际战争经历的方式。其中大部分用于推断遭受战争影响的各种社会和种族群体的数量,而不是专注于他们的生活经历以及这些经历的社会和情感影响。总而言之,该卷代表了波罗的海地区大战研究中一个重要的概念、主题和经验突破。它的比较视角、对各种战争经验社区的关注、研究范围、新主题的介绍和档案材料,使其成为任何对立陶宛和东普鲁士大战历史感兴趣的专家的必读之书。虽然这本书是用立陶宛语出版的,但作者们已将他们研究的主要发现发表在英文文章集中(Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis,第 34 卷,2017 年)。