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Entangled histories and divided audiences: overhearing Joseph Conrad, W. G. Sebald, and Dan Jacobson
Journal of Baltic Studies ( IF 0.484 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-12 , DOI: 10.1080/01629778.2020.1779096
Kaisa Kaakinen 1

ABSTRACT This article focuses on specific effects that occur when transnational literary texts encounter diverse readerships that do not share the same historical imaginary. The author highlights a readerly dynamic of ‘overhearing,’ in which readers realize their outsider position within the discourse of a text but also recognize something sufficiently familiar in it to imagine a linkage to their own historical and social position. This dynamic is studied through texts by twentieth-century émigré authors Joseph Conrad and W. G. Sebald as well as by Dan Jacobson, whose memoir on the Lithuanian past of his Jewish family is referenced by Sebald.


纠结的历史和分裂的观众:无意中听到约瑟夫·康拉德、WG Sebald 和丹·雅各布森

摘要 本文重点讨论当跨国文学文本遇到不同的读者群时所产生的具体影响,这些读者群不具有相同的历史想象。作者强调了“偷听”的读者动态,在这种动态中,读者意识到他们在文本话语中的局外人地位,但也认识到其中足够熟悉的东西,以想象与他们自己的历史和社会地位的联系。二十世纪的移民作家约瑟夫·康拉德 (Joseph Conrad) 和 WG Sebald 以及丹·雅各布森 (Dan Jacobson) 通过文本研究了这种动态,塞巴尔德 (Sebald) 引用了丹·雅各布森 (Dan Jacobson) 关于他的犹太家庭在立陶宛过去的回忆录。