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Slow Time: Nyaparu (William) Gardiner and the Strike Camps of the Pilbara
Journal of Australian Studies ( IF 0.844 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-22 , DOI: 10.1080/14443058.2020.1716044
Darren Jorgensen 1

ABSTRACT Nyaparu (William) Gardiner’s drawings and paintings bring a lived perspective to histories of the 1946 pastoral workers’ strike in the Pilbara in Western Australia. This strike has been documented largely through the dramatic events of 1946 and through the subsequent struggles of strike leaders, including Clancy McKenna and Don McLeod, with the state government. Gardiner was born into the strike, and worked on its mining and pastoral settlements before leaving to take up station work elsewhere. His drawings and paintings document the “slow time” of strike life, of everyday labour and waiting, of his fellow workers on the strike camps, as well as his subsequent work with cattle and horses in the North West. Only beginning to make art in the last years of his life, Gardiner created his portraits of strike leaders, workers and landscapes from memory, and they contain a ghostly quality as they recall an era and many people who have died. His pictures testify to an impoverished autonomy for Aboriginal people and itinerant workers in the North West in the 1950s and 1960s. They offer a history from below, to supplement the political histories of the strike and its aftermath in this region of Australia.



摘要 Nyaparu (William) Gardiner 的绘画为 1946 年西澳大利亚皮尔巴拉的牧民工人罢工的历史带来了生动的视角。这次罢工主要是通过 1946 年的戏剧性事件以及随后的罢工领导人(包括克兰西·麦肯纳和唐·麦克劳德)与州政府的斗争来记录的。Gardiner 出生在罢工中,在离开去其他地方从事车站工作之前,曾在其采矿和牧区工作。他的绘画记录了罢工生活、日常劳动和等待的“缓慢时间”,他在罢工营地的同事,以及他随后在西北部与牛和马的工作。在他生命的最后几年才开始创作艺术,加德纳创作了他的罢工领袖肖像,记忆中的工人和风景,当他们回忆一个时代和许多死去的人时,它们包含一种幽灵般的品质。他的照片证明了 1950 年代和 1960 年代西北地区土著人和流动工人的贫困自治。他们提供了自下而上的历史,以补充澳大利亚这一地区罢工及其后果的政治历史。