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Searching for Trans Possibilities in Australia, 1910–39
Journal of Australian Studies ( IF 0.844 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-23 , DOI: 10.1080/14443058.2020.1712614
Noah Riseman 1

ABSTRACT This article uses Australian newspapers from 1910 to 1939 to pose some preliminary ideas about imagining trans possibilities before the Second World War. Using trans-ing analysis and drawing on ideas of trans-historicity, the article focuses on the ways that the Australian press represented males caught dressing as women, and the ways that those individuals explained their gender performances. Although the accused usually argued that they were only joking, reading against the grain suggests that the frequency and nature of these gender transgressions represented challenges to the established gender binaries of the era. Historians need to read such examples of gender non-normativity as part of an Australian trans-historicity for which shifting psychological, medical and social discourses would only gradually provide a language to articulate more diverse gender identities.



摘要 本文使用 1910 年至 1939 年间的澳大利亚报纸,就二战前想象跨性别的可能性提出了一些初步想法。本文使用跨历史分析和跨历史思想,重点关注澳大利亚媒体如何描述男性被发现打扮成女性,以及这些人如何解释他们的性别表现。尽管被告通常辩称他们只是在开玩笑,但反其道而行之的解读表明,这些性别侵犯的频率和性质代表了对那个时代既定的性别二元论的挑战。历史学家需要阅读这种性别非规范性的例子,作为澳大利亚跨历史性的一部分,为此心理转变,