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Zionism - The integral component of Jewish identity that Jews are historically pressured to shed
Israel Affairs ( IF 0.366 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-29 , DOI: 10.1080/13537121.2020.1754577
Alyza D. Lewin 1

ABSTRACT The yearning and determination of Jews to re-establish their Jewish homeland in the Land of Israel is “Zionism” – an integral component of Jewish identity. It is more than the political movement launched in the 1800’s. The deep religious, ancestral, and ethnic connection of Jews to the Land of Israel is as old as Abraham and the Bible. Jewish messianic movements brought Jews to Israel between the 13th and 19th centuries, proving the Jews’ historic sense of peoplehood and their belief in the “ingathering of the exiles.” Only in the 18th century did Jews first shed this element of Jewish identity because European governments demanded this surrender in exchange for citizenship. Why are Jews demonised and marginalised today when they express support for Israel? It is a modern manifestation of the antisemitic pressure on Jews to shed the national and ethnic part of their Jewish identity. Discrimination against anyone who observes the Jewish Sabbath, wears a kippah, or maintains a kosher diet is universally recognised as antisemitism. It is equally antisemitic to marginalise or harass Jews for expressing the Zionist component of their Jewish identity. Isolating and dehumanising Zionists is akin to branding Jews with a virtual “yellow Star of David.” To ensure that history does not repeat itself, we must forcefully condemn this modern mode of antisemitism.


犹太复国主义 - 犹太人历史上被迫摆脱的犹太身份的组成部分

摘要 犹太人渴望并决心在以色列土地上重建他们的犹太家园是“犹太复国主义”——犹太人身份的一个组成部分。它不仅仅是 1800 年代发起的政治运动。犹太人与以色列土地之间深厚的宗教、祖先和种族联系与亚伯拉罕和圣经一样古老。犹太弥赛亚运动在 13 世纪和 19 世纪之间将犹太人带到以色列,证明了犹太人的历史意识和他们对“聚集流亡者”的信念。直到 18 世纪,犹太人才第一次摆脱了这种犹太人身份的元素,因为欧洲政府要求这种投降以换取公民身份。为什么今天犹太人在表达对以色列的支持时被妖魔化和边缘化?这是对犹太人施加的反犹压力的现代表现,要求他们摆脱犹太人身份中的民族和种族部分。对任何遵守犹太安息日、穿 kippah 或保持犹太饮食的人的歧视被普遍认为是反犹太主义。将犹太人边缘化或骚扰以表达其犹太人身份中的犹太复国主义成分,这同样是反犹主义。孤立和非人化犹太复国主义者类似于用虚拟的“黄色大卫之星”给犹太人打上烙印。为了确保历史不会重演,我们必须强烈谴责这种现代反犹太主义模式。或保持犹太饮食被普遍认为是反犹太主义。将犹太人边缘化或骚扰以表达其犹太人身份中的犹太复国主义成分,这同样是反犹主义。孤立和非人化犹太复国主义者类似于用虚拟的“黄色大卫之星”给犹太人打上烙印。为了确保历史不会重演,我们必须强烈谴责这种现代反犹太主义模式。或保持犹太饮食被普遍认为是反犹太主义。将犹太人边缘化或骚扰以表达其犹太人身份中的犹太复国主义成分,这同样是反犹主义。孤立和非人化犹太复国主义者类似于用虚拟的“黄色大卫之星”给犹太人打上烙印。为了确保历史不会重演,我们必须强烈谴责这种现代反犹太主义模式。