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Toward Critical Pedagogies of the International? Student Resistance, Other-Regardedness, and Self-Formation in the Neoliberal University
International Studies Perspectives ( IF 2.667 ) Pub Date : 2017-04-10 , DOI: 10.1093/isp/ekx006
Louiza Odysseos 1 , Maïa Pal 2

Anxieties regarding colonial and neoliberal education have generated multiple calls for critical international pedagogies. Scholars of critical pedagogy have analyzed the pedagogies of the neoliberal project, whose ethos and economic imperatives aim to produce apolitical consumers and future citizens. Such calls, this article argues, articulate a concern about other-regardedness, critiquing the impact of neoliberalism on the cultivation of student values and relations toward politics, society, and others. How can we articulate a critical international pedagogy informed by, and enhancing, students’ and future citizens’ other-regardedness toward those “superfluous” and “disposable” others outside the classroom and the formal curriculum? To this end, we mobilize Michel Foucault’s thinking of “counter-conduct” to illuminate how students resist being conducted as self-interested and apolitical consumers. Such practices remain largely unexplored in examinations of recent student protests and occupations. Examining the 2005 student occupation of a French university against the local government’s abandonment of asylum-seekers, we discuss students’ own processes of social participation and self-formation, thus exploring the possibilities and tensions for advancing a critical and other-regarding pedagogy. Greater attention to students resisting the historically blind and market-driven rationalities and techniques of governing—inside and outside classrooms and curricula—marks an important point of departure for critical pedagogies of the international.



关于殖民地和新自由主义教育的忧虑引起了对批判性国际教育的多次呼吁。批判教育学的学者分析了新自由主义项目的方法论,新自由主义项目的精神和经济需求旨在培养非政治消费者和未来公民。本文认为,这样的呼吁明确表达了对其他方面的关注,从而批评了新自由主义对培养学生价值观以及与政治,社会及其他方面的关系的影响。我们如何通过学生和未来公民对教室和正规课程之外的“多余的”和“一次性的”其他人的其他尊重来阐明和增强批判性的国际教学法?为此,我们动员了米歇尔·福柯(Michel Foucault)的“反行为”思想,以阐明学生如何抵制作为自私和非政治消费者的行为。在检查最近的学生抗议活动和职业时,基本上仍未探索这种做法。针对地方政府放弃寻求庇护者的情况,研究了法国大学2005年的学生占领情况,我们讨论了学生自己的社会参与和自我形成的过程,从而探讨了推进批判性教学法和其他教学法的可能性和紧张关系。对学生抵制历史上盲目和市场主导的合理性和管理技巧(室内和室外教室和课程)的关注,标志着国际上重要教学法的重要出发点。