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Eight theories of societalization: Toward a theoretically sustainable concept of society
European Journal of Social Theory ( IF 1.766 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-27 , DOI: 10.1177/1368431019850069
Volker H Schmidt 1

This article critically engages a recent essay Jeffrey Alexander has published on ‘societalization’, whose conceptualization it finds problematic; first, because in contrast to the impression conveyed by the essay, the term itself is anything but new (as shown in a summary of six theories of societalization which precede Alexander’s by decades, in two cases, by more than a century), and, second, because the way Alexander employs the term is highly aporetic, while also being emblematic of much deeper problems that afflict the whole discipline. Following a reconstruction of the term’s morphology and the transmutations it underwent during its gradual incorporation into the English language, the article identifies an undertheorized concept of society as the root cause behind the difficulties into which Alexander maneuvers himself. It concludes with a brief sketch of an alternative that can contribute to overcoming these difficulties.



本文批评性地涉及了杰弗里·亚历山大(Jeffrey Alexander)最近发表的关于“社会化”的文章,该书的概念化存在问题。首先,因为与本文所传达的印象相反,该术语本身并不是什么新鲜事物(如亚历山大的六种社会化理论的总结(在两个案例中,两个世纪以上的一个世纪以上的总结)所示),并且,第二,因为亚历山大采用该术语的方式具有很高的外交性,同时也象征着困扰整个学科的更深层次的问题。在对该术语的形态及其在逐渐融入英语中所经历的a变进行了重构之后,本文确定了社会理论不足的概念,这是亚历山大操纵自己所遇到的困难的根本原因。