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Cultural commons: Critical responses to COVID-19, part 2
European Journal of Cultural Studies ( IF 2.099 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-30 , DOI: 10.1177/1367549420952098
Jilly Boyce Kay 1 , Helen Wood 2

It feels like we launched Cultural Commons – a short-form section committed to voicing radically contextualist, rapid response analyses – at an opportune moment, just as the world seemed to spin off its socio-political axis amid a global catastrophe. The crisis context of Covid-19 is generating reflections and re-evaluations that are pouring out in myriad forms, and it is now almost impossible to keep abreast of the pace of change and the reach of the virus into every terrain of cultural, political and economic life. The virus has tracked and intensified existing inequalities and injustices, but in doing so seems to have irritated the tectonic plates of racial capitalism, accelerating global and local movements for black liberation in the wake of the murder of George Floyd in the United States. In Bristol, United Kingdom, the statue of the slave trader Edward Colston was pulled down by Black Lives Matter activists, rolled through the streets, and pushed into the river Avon. Priyamvada Gopal (2020) writes that these protestors are ‘agents of historical change’ who are destroying not history, but white colonial mythology. These forms of destruction, of tearing down, are not a denial of history, as conservative commentators insist, but an opening up of the public imaginary – a form of generation, possibility and hope. Jade Bentil (2020) writes that the protests are ‘part of the war for black life on the streets of London, Minneapolis, Atlanta, Paris and each and every space marked by the constellations of black existence’. On Twitter in June, jokes abounded that while at the beginning of lockdown, everyone was posting about making their own sourdough, now this had shifted into radical calls



感觉就像是我们在适当时机启动了“文化共享区”(这是一个简短的部分,致力于表达激进的上下文主义,快速反应分析)的感觉,就像世界似乎在全球灾难中脱离其社会政治轴心一样。Covid-19的危机背景正在产生各种形式的反思和重新评估,现在几乎不可能跟上变化的步伐和病毒在文化,政治和政治各个领域的传播范围。经济生活。该病毒追踪并加剧了现有的不平等和不公正现象,但这样做似乎激怒了种族资本主义的构造板块,在乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)在美国被谋杀后加速了全球和地方黑人的解放运动。在英国布里斯托尔,奴隶贩子爱德华·科尔斯顿(Edward Colston)的雕像被“黑人生活问题”(Black Lives Matter)活动家推倒,在街道上翻滚,并推入雅芳河(Avon)。Priyamvada Gopal(2020)写道,这些抗议者是“历史变革的推动者”,他们摧毁的不是历史而是白人的殖民神话。这些破坏形式的破坏,不是像保守派评论员所坚持的那样否认历史,而是对公众想象力的开放-一种产生,可能性和希望的形式。杰德·本提尔(Jade Bentil,2020)写道,抗议活动是“伦敦,明尼阿波利斯,亚特兰大,巴黎以及以黑人存在为标志的每个空间的黑人生活战争的一部分”。在6月的Twitter上,有很多笑话说,在锁定开始之时,每个人都在发布有关制作自己的面团的信息,