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European Journal of Communication ( IF 2.463 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0267323119886137
Tristan Mattelart 1

The theme around which this Special Issue is organized – ‘Media, communication technologies and forced migration’ – has for long stayed under-researched. Indeed, when dealing with questions relating to migration, media and communication studies have mainly focused, as Kevin Smets (2018) has noted, on immigrants ‘who have settled permanently and formed diaspora communities’ (p. 2), rather than on refugees, asylum seekers or forced migrants being either en route, stranded in a transit country, or having just arrived to their destination country. It is only recently that more attention has been given, in the field of media and communication research, to the realities of ‘forced migration’ and ‘forced migrants’ – terms that we use here ‘to highlight the extremity of conditions under which [these] “decide” to undertake the migratory journey’, whatever their legal status may be (Scheel and Squire, 2014: 188). The so-called European ‘migration crisis’, caused by the increased flows of forced migration in the mid-2010s, has undoubtedly served as an impetus for this new attention to the role the media and communication technologies play in these processes. Significantly, various Special Issues have been in recent times published on, respectively, ‘Forced displacement, refugees and ICTs’ (Wilding and Gifford, 2013), ‘Forced migrants and digital connectivity’ (Leurs and Smets, 2018), ‘The mediatization and politicization of the “refugee crisis” in Europe’ (Krzyżanowski et al., 2018), ‘Representations of immigrants and refugees’ (Smets and Bozdağ, 2018), ‘Refugee socialities and the media’ (Ong and Rovisco, 2019), or on ‘Intersections between media, communication and forced migration processes’ (Tsagkroni and Alencar, 2019). Most of these volumes tend, on the whole, to focus either on the uses of information and communication technologies by forced migrants or on the latter’s mainstream media representations. Rather than choosing between these two, quite different, perspectives, we opted for including them both in this European Journal of Communication’s Special Issue for trying to understand some of the major political, social and cultural stakes involved.1



本期特刊围绕的主题——“媒体、通信技术和强迫迁移”——长期以来一直未被充分研究。事实上,在处理与移民有关的问题时,媒体和传播研究主要集中在,正如 Kevin Smets(2018 年)所指出的,“已经永久定居并形成侨民社区”的移民(第 2 页),而不是难民,寻求庇护者或被迫移民在途中、滞留在过境国或刚抵达目的地国。直到最近,媒体和传播研究领域才更多地关注“强迫移民”和“强迫移民”的现实——我们在这里使用的术语“强调[这些]“决定”进行迁徙之旅',无论他们的法律地位如何(Scheel 和 Squire,2014 年:188)。由 2010 年代中期强迫移民潮增加引起的所谓的欧洲“移民危机”无疑推动了人们对媒体和通信技术在这些过程中所起的作用的新关注。值得注意的是,最近出版的各种特刊分别涉及“被迫流离失所、难民和信息通信技术”(Wilding 和 Gifford,2013 年)、“被迫移民和数字连接”(Leurs 和 Smets,2018 年)、“中介化和欧洲“难民危机”的政治化”(Krzyżanowski 等,2018 年)、“移民和难民的代表”(Smets 和 Bozdağ,2018 年)、“难民社会和媒体”(Ong 和 Rovisco,2019 年),或关于“媒体之间的交叉点,沟通和强迫迁移过程”(Tsagkroni 和 Alencar,2019 年)。总的来说,这些书籍中的大多数都倾向于关注被迫移民对信息和通信技术的使用,或者关注后者的主流媒体表现。我们没有在这两种完全不同的观点之间做出选择,而是选择将它们都包括在这本欧洲传播杂志的特刊中,以试图了解所涉及的一些主要政治、社会和文化利益。 1