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Communication study as a field: From academic research to public citizenship
European Journal of Communication ( IF 2.463 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-20 , DOI: 10.1177/0267323120935321
Elena Fell 1

With so many excellent publications on offer, which book should a communication scholar buy next if he or she would like to own the one addressing the fundamental aspects of communication, as well as providing methodological, historical and cultural perspectives on the subject and proposing a renewed vision of established themes, and also touching on topics that have been overlooked? Presumably, this book would also have to be engaging, interesting and future-proof. Communication Theory through the Ages, written by two professors of Communication (Eastern Washington University), could become a valuable addition to a communication theorist’s collection, without any doubt. I would also recommend this wide-reaching and well-researched book to students and scholars interested in linguistics, sociology, theology, semiotics, history and psychology and to even those who speculate about communicating with extra-terrestrial entities. Besides, although Klyukanov and Sinekopova draw on multiple sources from a wide range of disciplines, those readers who hope to find a book on communication that has a strong philosophical component will not be disappointed either, and the authors’ recurrent usage of the term ‘wonder’ in the chapters’ titles is an indication of this. Indeed, investigating the ‘wonder of communication’ (p. 293) by connecting the idea of communication with 10 fundamental concepts – other ‘wonders’ – beginning with the notion of time and concluding with that of space, the authors seem to be alluding to Plato’s (2013) famous ‘Philosophy begins in wonder’ remark, to the point of upgrading it to a methodological tool that guides the exploration of the conceptual and historical aspects of communication as a specifically human phenomenon. 935321 EJC0010.1177/0267323120935321European Journal of CommunicationReview Essay review-article2020



有这么多优秀的出版物可供选择,如果传播学者想拥有一本解决传播基本方面的书,并提供有关该主题的方法论、历史和文化观点并提出更新的建议,那么他或她接下来应该购买哪本书?既定主题的愿景,也触及被忽视的主题?据推测,这本书还必须引人入胜、有趣且面向未来。毫无疑问,由两位传播学教授(东华盛顿大学)撰写的《历代传播理论》可以成为传播理论家收藏的宝贵补充。我还要向对语言学、社会学、神学、符号学、历史和心理学,甚至那些推测与外星实体交流的人。此外,虽然 Klyukanov 和 Sinekopova 借鉴了广泛学科的多种来源,但那些希望找到一本具有强烈哲学成分的关于传播的书的读者也不会失望,而且作者反复使用“奇迹”一词。 '在章节的标题中就表明了这一点。事实上,通过将交流的概念与 10 个基本概念——其他“奇迹”——从时间概念开始,以空间概念结束,研究“交流奇迹”(第 293 页),作者似乎暗指柏拉图(2013)著名的“哲学始于奇迹”评论,将其升级为一种方法论工具,可以指导探索作为一种特殊人类现象的传播的概念和历史方面。935321 EJC0010.1177/0267323120935321European Journal of CommunicationReview Essay review-article2020