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“Extreme pressure”: gendered negotiations of violence and vulnerability in Japanese antiracism movements
Critical Asian Studies ( IF 3.053 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-19 , DOI: 10.1080/14672715.2019.1663544
Vivian Shaw 1

ABSTRACT Situated in the emergence of hate speech and anti-racism counter protest in Japan, this article poses two questions: why do activists enact exclusions while attempting to fight against social inequality, and how do interpretations of gender shape activists’ understandings of anti-racism? This article explores three findings: activists conceptualize the risk of being targets of hate speech and abuse as both gendered and racialized; anti-racist activists interpret anti-racism as a practice of redirecting vulnerabilities – a practice that is, itself, gendered; and anti-racist activist communities struggle with ambivalence around masculinity and other “gender problems.” Although gender functions as a key lens through which anti-racism is conceptualized, movements devoid of an intersectional feminist analysis encounter exacerbated difficulties in resolving internal problems such as sexual harassment. This article focuses on the theme of vulnerability, which is enmeshed with the vocabulary of gender. Through analyzing vulnerability, this article offers an ethnographic account to explain why the reproduction of inequalities persist, even within social justice movements that aim to promote equality.



摘要 本文以日本仇恨言论和反种族主义反抗议活动的出现为背景,提出了两个问题:为什么活动家在试图与社会不平等作斗争时制定排斥,以及对性别的解释如何塑造活动家对反种族主义的理解? 本文探讨了三个发现: 活动家将成为仇恨言论和虐待目标的风险概念化为性别和种族化;反种族主义活动家将反种族主义解释为一种重新引导脆弱性的做法——这种做法本身就是性别化的;和反种族主义活动家社区在男子气概和其他“性别问题”方面的矛盾情绪中挣扎。尽管性别是反种族主义概念化的关键镜头,缺乏交叉女权主义分析的运动在解决性骚扰等内部问题时遇到了更大的困难。本文重点关注脆弱性这一主题,该主题与性别词汇交织在一起。通过分析脆弱性,本文提供了一个人种学解释,以解释为什么不平等的再现仍然存在,即使在旨在促进平等的社会正义运动中也是如此。