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Interaction rituals and ‘social distancing’: New haptic trajectories and touching from a distance in the time of COVID-19
Discourse Studies ( IF 1.871 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1177/1461445620928213
Julia Katila 1 , Yumei Gan 2 , Marjorie H Goodwin 3

Abstract Previous research in the social sciences has shown that haptic interaction rituals are critical for maintaining social relationships. However, during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, ‘social distancing’ was encouraged in order to avoid the spread of disease. Drawing on data from self-ethnography as well as publicly available resources, in this study we explore some new, locally negotiated haptic trajectories to accomplish interaction rituals in the time of coronavirus. First, we present self-ethnographic observations of distancing in face-to-face encounters from our everyday lives. Second, utilizing methods of microanalysis of naturally occurring interaction, we investigate video recordings of the embodied negotiation of space and touch among politicians. We analyze three different ways in which politicians negotiate transitional moves in this haptic ritual when one party initiates a handshake: repairing, declining and apologizing. Our analysis shows that politicians adapt their entire bodies in conjunction with talk, gestures and laughter not only to accomplish the greeting but also to remedy the potentially face-threatening situation of not getting the greeting right. This research has implications for better understanding the spontaneous ability of human beings to invent new ways of engaging with each other. Moreover, it adds to our knowledge of how the materiality of human bodies can impact forms of sociality.


互动仪式和“社交距离”:COVID-19 时代新的触觉轨迹和远距离触摸

摘要 先前的社会科学研究表明,触觉交互仪式对于维持社会关系至关重要。但是,在冠状病毒 (COVID-19) 大流行期间,为了避免疾病传播,鼓励“保持社交距离”。利用来自自我民族志的数据以及公开可用的资源,在这项研究中,我们探索了一些新的、本地协商的触觉轨迹,以在冠状病毒时代完成互动仪式。首先,我们展示了在日常生活中面对面接触时保持距离的自我民族志观察。其次,利用自然发生的互动的微观分析方法,我们调查了政治家之间空间和接触的具体谈判的视频记录。当一方发起握手时,我们分析了政治家在这种触觉仪式中协商过渡举措的三种不同方式:修复、拒绝和道歉。我们的分析表明,政治家通过谈话、手势和笑声来调整他们的整个身体,不仅是为了完成问候,而且是为了纠正没有正确打招呼的潜在威胁面子的情况。这项研究对于更好地理解人类发明新的相互交往方式的自发能力具有重要意义。此外,它增加了我们对人体的物质性如何影响社会形式的认识。手势和笑声不仅是为了完成问候,而且还可以弥补没有正确打招呼的潜在威胁面子的情况。这项研究对于更好地理解人类发明新的相互交往方式的自发能力具有重要意义。此外,它增加了我们对人体的物质性如何影响社会形式的认识。手势和笑声不仅是为了完成问候,而且还可以弥补没有正确打招呼的潜在威胁面子的情况。这项研究对于更好地理解人类发明新的相互交往方式的自发能力具有重要意义。此外,它增加了我们对人体的物质性如何影响社会形式的认识。