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Indifference and queer television studies: distinguishing norms of existence and coexistence
Critical Studies in Media Communication ( IF 1.328 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-23 , DOI: 10.1080/15295036.2020.1714070
Florian Hendrik Jakob Vanlee 1 , Frederik Dhaenens 1 , Sofie Van Bauwel 1

ABSTRACT This paper deploys a case study of the first transgender lead character in Flemish television fiction—Kaat Bomans in the soap opera Thuis [Home] (één, 1995–)—to engage an underexplored distinction between the televisual dissemination of identity norms that regulate the embodied difference of sexual and gender minorities and ethical norms that prescribe moral modes of interacting with social difference. Conceived of as a representation normative to transgender existence, Kaat reifies identity norms that dictate how transpeople may legitimately embody difference. These reduce the diversity of transgender subjectivities into a singular and stable identity premised on binary gender conformity. Approached as a narrative that produces normative frames for cisgender people too, however, the case study shows that Kaat’s storyline propagates ethical norms on moral modes of coexistence and the negotiation of difference. Prescribing ethical indifference as a moral framework to negotiate difference in interpersonal interactions, Thuis invites viewers to acknowledge others’ difference without centralizing it as the central modality to social interaction. Supplementing identity-based television critique with reflection on ethical frameworks, the essay argues in conclusion, allows scholarship to not only critique what television is doing wrong, but to formulate what television should be doing to make things better.



摘要 本文对佛兰德电视小说中第一个跨性别主角的案例研究——肥皂剧 Thuis [Home] (één, 1995–) 中的 Kaat Bomans——进行了未充分探索的区分身份规范的电视传播性和性别少数群体的具体差异以及规定与社会差异互动的道德模式的道德规范。Kaat 被认为是对跨性别存在的规范表示,将身份规范具体化,这些规范规定了跨性别者如何合法地体现差异。这些将跨性别主体的多样性减少为以二元性别整合为前提的单一而稳定的身份。然而,被视为一种为顺性别者产生规范框架的叙事,案例研究表明,Kaat 的故事情节传播了关于共存道德模式和差异协商的道德规范。将伦理冷漠作为一种道德框架来协商人际交往中的差异,Thuis 邀请观众承认他人的差异,而不是将其集中为社会互动的中心模式。这篇文章在结论中认为,通过对道德框架的反思来补充基于身份的电视批评,使学术不仅可以批评电视做错了什么,而且可以制定电视应该做什么才能使事情变得更好。Thuis 邀请观众承认他人的差异,而不是将其作为社交互动的中心模式。这篇文章在结论中认为,通过对道德框架的反思来补充基于身份的电视批评,使学术不仅可以批评电视做错了什么,而且可以制定电视应该做什么才能使事情变得更好。Thuis 邀请观众承认他人的差异,而不是将其作为社交互动的中心模式。这篇文章在结论中认为,通过对道德框架的反思来补充基于身份的电视批评,使学术不仅可以批评电视做错了什么,而且可以制定电视应该做什么才能使事情变得更好。