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Black feminist methods of activism are the tool for global social justice and peace
Critical Social Policy ( IF 1.802 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-11 , DOI: 10.1177/0261018319896231
Chris Sheehy 1 , Suryia Nayak 2

We use the method of conversation as a tool of living activist struggles to end social injustice. We draw on Black feminism to create an intersectionality of diverse activist voices across time and space. We insist on an intersectional acuity to analyse Global alienation, subjugation and exploitation. We use examples from activist contexts such as the Trade Union and Rape Crisis movements. Our conversation speaks of the tensions and risks of solidarity and organizing across difference. We use Gramsci’s idea of the ‘interregnum’ to look at the in-between space of protest and transformation. We argue that the ‘interregnum’ is an opportunity to build solidarity for Global justice. In the context of intersectional racism, we ask, can the racial grief of Black women speak? We like Lorde’s idea that ‘Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare’ (Lorde, 1988: 332). We argue that the relationship of Black feminism to oppression, constitutes its revolutionary potential, and this distinguishes Black feminist activist methodologies from other methodologies as the tool for Global social justice and peace.



我们使用谈话的方法作为活生生的激进分子为结束社会不公正而斗争的工具。我们利用黑人女权主义来创造跨时间和空间的多元化激进声音的交叉性。我们坚持以交叉敏锐度来分析全球异化、征服和剥削。我们使用激进主义背景下的例子,例如工会和强奸危机运动。我们的谈话谈到了团结和跨差异组织的紧张局势和风险。我们使用葛兰西的“过渡期”概念来看待抗议和变革之间的空间。我们认为“过渡期”是为全球正义建立团结的机会。在交叉种族主义的背景下,我们问,黑人女性的种族悲痛能说话吗?我们喜欢 Lorde 的观点,即“照顾自己不是自我放纵,这是自我保护,这是一种政治战争行为”(Lord,1988:332)。我们认为黑人女权主义与压迫的关系构成了其革命潜力,这将黑人女权主义激进主义方法论与其他方法论区分开来,作为全球社会正义与和平的工具。