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Racial Threat and Crime Control: Integrating Theory on Race and Extending its Application
Critical Criminology ( IF 2.109 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s10612-019-09485-1
Justin Smith

The racial threat perspective has been applied increasingly to the study of crime control over the past several decades and demonstrates appealing and nuanced arguments for understanding racial bias and disparity. As recent tests of racial threat hypotheses have illustrated, however, the empirical results are mixed. This article seeks to refine the racial threat perspective and addresses methodological limitations. It also explores the application of the racial threat framework to contemporary social landscapes. Discussion concentrates on three distinct issues that seek to develop theory, methodology and epistemology in racial threat research: (1) theoretical integration of the nuances of race relations; (2) relativity of criminal justice systems; and (3) historical and structural racism in crime control.



在过去的几十年里,种族威胁的观点越来越多地应用于犯罪控制的研究,并展示了理解种族偏见和差异的有吸引力和微妙的论点。然而,正如最近对种族威胁假设的测试所表明的那样,实证结果喜忧参半。本文旨在完善种族威胁的观点并解决方法论上的局限性。它还探讨了种族威胁框架在当代社会环境中的应用。讨论集中在寻求发展种族威胁研究的理论、方法论和认识论的三个不同问题上:(1)种族关系细微差别的理论整合;(2)刑事司法制度的相对性;(3) 犯罪控制中的历史和结构性种族主义。