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Kids and gigs: mediated constructions of parental identities and popular music concerts
Continuum ( IF 2.139 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-08 , DOI: 10.1080/10304312.2020.1772721
Dan Padua 1

ABSTRACT This paper examines the construction of contemporary parental identities related to live music concerts and popular music fandom in the media. The analysis on transforming parental identities presented in this paper draws on Bennett’s (2012; 2013) work on ageing music fans and their sustained practices, Grossberg’s (1992) notion of ‘youth’ as a site of struggle between young people and adults, and Frith’s (1984; 2007) work on reframing notions of youth and youth culture. I argue that understandings of contemporary parental identities in the media are being reconfigured along the lines of adults’ familial responsibilities and their popular music fandom. Based on textual analyses of articles drawn from popular online news sites based in Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, this paper critiques aspects of constructed parental identities related to live popular music fandom, such as ‘teachers’ of family values, ‘cultivators’ of popular music literacy, and ‘cool’ parents. The findings illustrate tensions between the discourses of parenting and being an ageing music fan. It also highlights the growing significance and acknowledgement of ‘youth’ and popular culture in the media as a resource that helps to construct understandings of ‘family’.



摘要 本文考察了与现场音乐会和媒体流行音乐狂热相关的当代父母身份的构建。本文中提出的关于转变父母身份的分析借鉴了 Bennett (2012; 2013) 关于老年音乐迷及其持续实践的工作、Grossberg (1992) 将“青年”视为年轻人和成年人之间斗争场所的概念,以及 Frith 的(1984 年;2007 年)致力于重塑青年和青年文化的概念。我认为媒体中对当代父母身份的理解正在按照成年人的家庭责任和他们的流行音乐迷的路线进行重新配置。基于对来自澳大利亚、英国和美国的流行在线新闻网站的文章的文本分析,本文批评了与现场流行音乐迷相关的构建父母身份的各个方面,例如家庭价值观的“老师”、流行音乐素养的“培养者”和“酷”父母。调查结果说明了育儿话语与成为老年音乐迷之间的紧张关系。它还强调了媒体对“青年”和流行文化作为有助于构建对“家庭”理解的资源的日益重要和认可。