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The final frontier: imagining queer futurity in Star Trek
Continuum ( IF 2.139 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-07 , DOI: 10.1080/10304312.2020.1750564
Lin Song 1 , Chris K.K. Tan 2

ABSTRACT This paper offers a critical queer analysis of Star Trek as a history of the future. Juxtaposing two episodes of queerness from Star Trek’s canon with the show’s depiction of gay characters in its latest drama series, the paper unpacks the multiple levels of queerness that are at once facilitated and restricted by the show’s visions of the future. Drawing on discussions of queer futurity, it argues for the usefulness of a queer reparative reading strategy in intervening in heteronormative models of the future and opening up potentialities for queer world-making. Abbreviations ST: TOS: Star Trek: The Original Series; ST: TNG: Star Trek: The Next Generation; ST: DS9: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; ST: VOY: Star Trek: Voyager; ST: ENT: Star Trek: Enterprise; ST: DIS: Star Trek: Discovery



摘要 本文对作为未来历史的《星际迷航》进行了批判性的酷儿分析。这篇论文将《星际迷航》经典中的两集酷儿与该剧在最新剧集中对同性恋角色的描述并置,揭示了该剧对未来的愿景同时促进和限制了多个层面的酷儿。借鉴对酷儿未来的讨论,它论证了酷儿修复性阅读策略在干预未来的异性恋模式和为酷儿世界创造开辟潜力方面的有用性。缩写 ST:TOS:星际迷航:原始系列;ST:TNG:星际迷航:下一代;ST:DS9:星际迷航:深空九号;ST:VOY:星际迷航:航海者;ST:耳鼻喉科:星际迷航:企业;ST:DIS:星际迷航:发现