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Educational Opportunities and Obstacles for Teenagers Living in Domestic Violence Refuges
Child Abuse Review ( IF 2.086 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.1002/car.2618
Kelly Bracewell 1 , Cath Larkins 1 , Lorraine Radford 1 , Nicky Stanley 1

The hidden nature of domestic violence and abuse (DVA) is well established. Globally, its prevalence is difficult to ascertain, but international legal frameworks and existing studies recognise that DVA is experienced directly by children and young people in the home or within their own intimate partner relationships. In 2013, UK policy transformed teenagers into primary service users of DVA refuges. This study examines teenagers' educational experiences over the period of their refuge stay and whether refuges responded effectively to their educational needs. Twenty refuges in England assisted with the study. Individual interviews with 25 staff members explored their perceptions of teenagers' experiences. Repeat interviews with 20 teenagers were undertaken over the period of their refuge stay. The voices of teenagers are prioritised in this paper; four teenagers contributed to study design and three assisted with data analysis. A thematic approach was taken to analyse the data. Teenagers described various educational difficulties associated with adolescence and refuge life. Major themes included the disruption of education and a lack of resources to support educational achievement. Education can contribute to the resilience of teenagers who have experienced DVA. Refuges and schools should work collaboratively to build a co‐ordinated response.



家庭暴力和虐待 (DVA) 的隐蔽性已经确立。在全球范围内,它的流行率很难确定,但国际法律框架和现有研究承认,儿童和青少年在家中或在他们自己的亲密伙伴关系中直接经历了 DVA。2013 年,英国的政策将青少年转变为 DVA 避难所的主要服务用户。本研究调查了青少年在避难所逗留期间的教育经历,以及避难所是否有效地满足了他们的教育需求。英格兰的 20 个避难所协助了这项研究。对 25 名工作人员的个人访谈探讨了他们对青少年经历的看法。在避难期间,对 20 名青少年进行了重复访谈。本文优先考虑青少年的声音;四名青少年参与研究设计,三名青少年协助数据分析。采取了专题方法来分析数据。青少年描述了与青春期和避难生活相关的各种教育困难。主要主题包括教育中断和缺乏支持教育成就的资源。教育有助于增强经历过 DVA 的青少年的适应能力。避难所和学校应协同工作以建立协调一致的应对措施。主要主题包括教育中断和缺乏支持教育成就的资源。教育有助于增强经历过 DVA 的青少年的适应能力。避难所和学校应协同工作以建立协调一致的应对措施。主要主题包括教育中断和缺乏支持教育成就的资源。教育有助于增强经历过 DVA 的青少年的适应能力。避难所和学校应协同工作以建立协调一致的应对措施。