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Care-full commoning at the Old Church on the Hill, Bendigo
Australian Geographer ( IF 2.672 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00049182.2019.1682289
Daniel Parris 1 , Miriam Williams 2

ABSTRACT Increasingly, the notion of the commons has been mobilised as a way to articulate the possibility of other ways of doing/being/thinking life which are at odds with the logics of enclosure. Whilst practices of care have been identified as central in sustaining commons, there remains a need for more detailed conceptualisations of how commons are maintained through everyday practices of care. In this paper we draw on research conducted at The Old Church on the Hill in Bendigo, Victoria, Australia, to provide an account of the role, complexities and constraints of care in constituting a commons. Throughout the paper we develop the concept of care-full commoning which encapsulates the phases of care identified by Tronto (1993. Moral Boundaries, A Political Argument for an Ethic of Care. New York and London: Routledge, 2013. Caring Democracy: Markets, Equality, and Justice. New York: NYU Press) and is a term we use to describe the multiple ways that care is practiced through, in, and by human and non-human others that comprise commoning collectives. We discuss the everyday practices of care that have sustained this commons over time, arguing that paying attention to the work of care in maintaining commons is an important political task.



摘要 公地的概念越来越多地被动员起来,作为一种表达与圈地逻辑不一致的其他做事/存在/思考生活方式的可能性的方式。虽然护理实践已被确定为维持公地的核心,但仍然需要对如何通过日常护理实践来维护公地进行更详细的概念化。在本文中,我们借鉴了在澳大利亚维多利亚州本迪戈山上的老教堂进行的研究,以说明护理在构成公地方面的作用、复杂性和限制。在整篇论文中,我们发展了全面护理的概念,其中包含了 Tronto(1993 年。道德界限,护理伦理的政治论证。纽约和伦敦:劳特利奇,2013 年。关怀民主:市场、平等和正义。纽约:纽约大学出版社),我们用这个术语来描述通过、在人类和非人类其他组成公共集体中的其他人、在其中和由其他人实施护理的多种方式。我们讨论了随着时间的推移维持这种公地的日常护理实践,认为关注维护公地的护理工作是一项重要的政治任务。