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Effects of Human–Dog Interactions on Salivary Oxytocin Concentrations and Heart Rate Variability: A Four-Condition Cross-Over Trial
Anthrozoös ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/08927936.2020.1694310
Lauren Powell 1 , Kate M. Edwards 2 , Scott Michael 3 , Paul McGreevy 4 , Adrian Bauman 1 , Adam J. Guastella 5 , Bradley Drayton 1 , Emmanuel Stamatakis 1

ABSTRACT Dog ownership is often advocated for its potential benefits to human health, with changes to oxytocin and autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity proposed as possible underlying mechanisms. The aims of the current study were to a) examine the effect of two common types of human–dog interactions (dog-walking and affiliative interactions) on salivary oxytocin concentrations and heart rate variability (HRV, an indicator of ANS activity), and b) investigate any putative moderating role for the strength of human–dog attachment on such responses. Twenty-nine dog owners completed a four-condition random-order cross-over trial: dog-walking (DW); walking without the dog (W); affiliative human–dog interaction (H-DI); and resting without the dog (C). Each condition was performed for approximately 15 minutes. Saliva and HRV samples were collected before and after each condition. Linear mixed models were used to analyze data, with the participant considered a random effect; condition, order of conditions, and condition duration as fixed effects. Oxytocin concentrations were not significantly different following any of the four conditions. HRV was significantly reduced following DW (mean change HF HRV = –0.37, 95% CI = –0.70, –0.04) and W (mean change HF HRV = –0.49, 95% CI = –0.81, –0.17). Considering moderation by the strength of the human–dog bond, pairwise comparisons revealed that, compared with W, DW elicited an increase in oxytocin concentrations (mean change 9.32 pg/mL, 95% CI = 6.52, 12.12) and HRV (mean change SDRR = 0.41, 95% CI = 0.19, 0.63) in owners with lower levels of attachment. These owners also displayed increased oxytocin concentrations following H-DI (mean change 3.90 pg/mL, 95% CI = 1.48, 6.32), compared with C. Overall, we did not find a consistent pattern for positive oxytocin or HRV responses to human–dog interactions. The strength of owner–dog attachment was found to have a moderating effect, suggesting that human–dog interactions may elicit greater physiological responses in low-attachment individuals.



摘要 养狗通常因其对人类健康的潜在益处而受到提倡,催产素和自主神经系统 (ANS) 活动的变化被认为是可能的潜在机制。本研究的目的是 a) 检查两种常见类型的人与狗相互作用(遛狗和从属相互作用)对唾液催产素浓度和心率变异性(HRV,ANS 活动的指标)的影响,以及 b ) 调查人狗依恋强度对此类反应的任何推定调节作用。29 位狗主人完成了四条件随机顺序交叉试验:遛狗 (DW);不带狗走路(W);亲和性人狗互动(H-DI);并在没有狗的情况下休息(C)。每个条件执行大约 15 分钟。在每个条件之前和之后收集唾液和 HRV 样本。线性混合模型用于分析数据,参与者认为是随机效应;条件、条件顺序和条件持续时间作为固定效果。在四种情况中的任何一种情况下,催产素浓度都没有显着差异。DW(平均变化 HF HRV = –0.37、95% CI = –0.70、–0.04)和 W(平均变化 HF HRV = –0.49、95% CI = –0.81、–0.17)后 HRV 显着降低。考虑到人-狗结合强度的调节,成对比较显示,与 W 相比,DW 引起催产素浓度增加(平均变化 9.32 pg/mL,95% CI = 6.52, 12.12)和 HRV(平均变化 SDRR = 0.41, 95% CI = 0.19, 0.63) 在依恋水平较低的所有者中。与 C 相比,这些所有者还显示出 H-DI 后催产素浓度增加(平均变化 3.90 pg/mL,95% CI = 1.48, 6.32)。总的来说,我们没有发现对人类的催产素或 HRV 阳性反应的一致模式——狗互动。发现主人-狗依恋的强度具有调节作用,这表明人与狗的互动可能会在低依恋个体中引起更大的生理反应。