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Rethinking empathy: Emotions triggered by the Holocaust among the Muslim-minority in Germany
Anthropological Theory ( IF 2.078 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-01 , DOI: 10.1177/1463499618782369
Esra Özyürek 1

In the last decade there has been widely shared discomfort about the way Muslim minority Germans engage with the Holocaust. They are accused of not showing empathy towards its Jewish victims and, as a result, of not being able to learn the necessary lessons from this massive crime. By focusing on instances in which the emotional reactions of Muslim minority Germans towards the Holocaust are judged as not empathetic enough and morally wrong, this article explores how Holocaust education and contemporary understandings of empathy, in teaching about the worst manifestation of racism in history, can also at times be a mechanism to exclude minorities from the German/European moral makeup and the fold of national belonging. Expanding from Edmund Husserl’s embodied approach to empathy to a socially situated approach, via the process of paarung, allows us to reinterpret expressions of fear and envy, currently seen as failed empathy, as instances of intersubjective connections at work. In my reinterpretation of Husserl’s ideas, the process of paarung that enables empathy to happen is not abstract, but pairs particular experiences happening at particular times and places under particular circumstances to individuals of certain social standing and cultural influences. An analogy can be made to shoes. Anyone has the capacity to imagine themselves in someone else’s shoes. Nevertheless, the emotional reactions the experience triggers in each person will be shaped by individual past experiences and social positioning. Hence, grandchildren of workers who arrived in Germany after World War II to rebuild the country resist an ethnicized Holocaust memory and engage with it keenly through their own subject positions.



在过去的十年中,穆斯林穆斯林德国人参与大屠杀的方式引起了广泛的不满。他们被指控没有对犹太受害人表现出同情心,因此无法从这一大规模犯罪中汲取必要的教训。通过重点讨论穆斯林德国人对大屠杀的情感反应被判断为缺乏同理心和道德上的错误的情况,本文探讨了大屠杀教育和当代对同情心的理解,在讲授历史上种族主义的最坏表现时,如何能够做到。有时也是一种将少数群体排除在德国/欧洲道德构成和国家归属范围之外的机制。通过paarung的过程,从埃德蒙·胡塞尔(Edmund Husserl)的体现共情的方法扩展到一种社会定位的方法,允许我们重新解释恐惧和嫉妒的表达,这种表达目前被视为移情失败,是工作间主体间联系的实例。在我对胡塞尔思想的重新诠释中,使同情发生的保持过程不是抽象的,而是将在特定时间和地点在特定情况下发生的特定经验与具有特定社会地位和文化影响的个人配对。可以比作鞋子。任何人都有能力想象别人的鞋子。然而,每个人的经历所引发的情感反应将取决于个人过去的经历和社会地位。因此,