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Anticipating Ulawun Volcano in New Britain, Papua New Guinea
Anthropological Forum ( IF 0.915 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00664677.2019.1647831
Michael Wood 1 , Simon Foale 1 , Jennifer Gabriel 2

ABSTRACT This paper outlines some of the ways Mengen speakers have positioned Ulawun volcano, its inhabitants and outputs as beneficial features of daily life. By way of contrast, volcanology and more recent disaster planning discourses in Papua New Guinea, have often positioned Ulawun as a hazard that creates potential dangers and risks. The paper explores how these two distinct orientations to Ulawun’s past and future influence the possibilities of Ulawun’s beneficial and dangerous outcomes. We emphasise how Ulawun’s anticipated future has been articulated into forms of disaster planning involving new modes of action, accountability and world making.



摘要 本文概述了 Mengen 演讲者将乌拉温火山、其居民和产出定位为日常生活有益特征的一些方式。相比之下,巴布亚新几内亚的火山学和最近的灾害规划论述经常将乌拉温定位为会造成潜在危险和风险的灾害。本文探讨了乌拉汶过去和未来的这两种截然不同的取向如何影响乌拉汶的有益和危险结果的可能性。我们强调乌拉文的预期未来如何被阐明为涉及新的行动模式、问责制和世界创造的灾难规划形式。