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Urban subjects: Somali claims to recognition and urban belonging in Eastleigh, Nairobi
African Studies ( IF 0.679 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00020184.2020.1747935
Kirstine Strøh Varming 1

ABSTRACT After more than a century of mutually constructed strangerhood, relations between the Somali community and the Kenyan state are strained. Following the concomitant developments of the devolution of power, an influx of refugees and a growing securitisation discourse, Somalis in Kenya today take up an ambiguous position between marginalisation and increasing political and economic visibility (Carrier & Lochery 2013; Scharrer 2018; Weitzberg 2017). Based on eight months of ethnographic fieldwork in Eastleigh, Nairobi, I will show how contemporary narratives of belonging and contribution are being presented by the Somali community on a variety of platforms. I will discuss the role of taxation in historical as well as contemporary claims to recognition and the significance of taking claims to formal Kenyan courts. I argue that these diverse practices all serve to create an urban Somali subjectivity in Kenya, as they seek to constitute Eastleigh as a central urban space from where the Somalis can make claims on the Kenyan state.



摘要经过一个多世纪的相互构建的陌生人关系,索马里社区和肯尼亚国家之间的关系变得紧张。随着权力下放、难民涌入和日益增长的证券化话语的伴随发展,肯尼亚的索马里人今天在边缘化与提高政治和经济知名度之间采取了模棱两可的立场(Carrier & Lochery 2013;Scharrer 2018;Weitzberg 2017)。基于在内罗毕伊斯特利八个月的民族志实地考察,我将展示索马里社区如何在各种平台上呈现当代的归属感和贡献叙事。我将讨论税收在历史和当代的承认要求中的作用,以及向肯尼亚正式法院提出要求的重要性。