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Perception of the Baltic Sea and Mediterranean regions among secondary school students
Journal of Baltic Studies ( IF 0.484 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-24 , DOI: 10.1080/01629778.2020.1810723
Janne Holmén 1

ABSTRACT Surveys were conducted in ten schools: five in locations around the Baltic Sea and five around the Mediterranean. Students were asked to delimit the two regions on a map of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa, to assess how much they would like to live in each region, and to write down the advantages and disadvantages associated with living in each region. Students tended to describe the two regions in terms of a North–South dichotomy, describing the Baltic Sea region as cerebral, advanced, and wealthy, while culture, food, and climate were described as advantages of the Mediterranean region.



摘要 调查在十所学校进行:五所在波罗的海附近,五所在地中海周围。学生被要求在欧洲、中东和北非的地图上划定这两个地区,以评估他们希望在每个地区生活的程度,并写下与在每个地区生活相关的优势和劣势。学生们倾向于用南北二分法来描述这两个地区,将波罗的海地区描述为聪明、先进和富裕,而文化、食物和气候被描述为地中海地区的优势。