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Interventions ( IF 0.477 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-10 , DOI: 10.1080/1369801x.2020.1843518
Aretha Phiri 1

In line with the journal’s titular mandate, this special issue provides productive reflections and amplifications of the deficiencies attendant to canonical Irish–South African relations in general, indicating ways in which these relations can be further expansively and inclusively re-read. Each of the essays here is refreshingly instructive and utilizes an innovative, disruptive approach that paves the way for critically dialogic comparative postcolonial scholarship. Co-editor Coilín Parsons’ injunction, then, that it is time to “revisit the architecture on which Irish–South African comparison is built, and to seek both new methods and archives,” resonates in the different thematic foci and diverse methodological and analytical approaches developed and demonstrated in the issue. Situating these essays within (current) shifting global (identity) politics and realities as this special issue does, renders it not just timely; it points to an otherwise responsive and engaged (re)imagination of established Irish–South African hermeneutic and representative templates and models.



