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Transformative practice: social work practice with vulnerable young people
European Journal of Social Work ( IF 1.764 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-12 , DOI: 10.1080/13691457.2020.1819205
Robyn Munford 1 , Jackie Sanders 1


Social workers across the globe are being challenged to provide meaningful support to young people who face multiple challenges. Drawing on the findings of a longitudinal study of vulnerable young people’s transitions to adulthood, this article explores the key elements of effective social work practice with vulnerable young people. The young people (aged between 12 and 17 at the first interview) had experienced chronic exposure to adversity from an early age (violence, poverty, addictions, mental health issues and exclusion from school). They were clients of statutory and non-governmental services: child welfare, youth justice, remedial education, and mental health services. This article draws on the qualitative phase of the study (n = 107); young people and a trusted other participated in three annual qualitative interviews. Interviews focused on young people’s experiences of services, transitions, relationships, and the strategies they used to locate resources and support. The article presents young people’s perspectives on services and support and identifies the elements that constitute practice which can be transformative for young people. Central to this practice are relational social work practices which underline the significance of authentic and respectful helping partnerships in realising positive change and futures for vulnerable young people.




世界各地的社会工作者都面临着为面临多重挑战的年轻人提供有意义的支持的挑战。本文利用对弱势青年过渡到成年的纵向研究的结果,探讨了对弱势青年进行有效社会工作实践的关键要素。年轻人(第一次采访时年龄在 12 至 17 岁之间)从很小的时候就经历了长期的逆境(暴力、贫困、成瘾、心理健康问题和被学校排斥)。他们是法定和非政府服务的客户:儿童福利、青年司法、补救教育和心理健康服务。本文借鉴了研究的定性阶段(n = 107); 年轻人和值得信赖的其他人参加了三场年度定性访谈。访谈的重点是年轻人在服务、过渡、关系方面的经历,以及他们用来寻找资源和支持的策略。本文介绍了青年人对服务和支持的看法,并确定了构成对青年人具有变革意义的实践的要素。这种实践的核心是关系社会工作实践,它强调了真实和相互尊重的帮助伙伴关系在为弱势年轻人实现积极变化和未来方面的重要性。
