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Understanding coastal flood risk prevention by combining modelling and sketch maps (Mediterranean coast, France)
Environmental Hazards ( IF 3.781 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-05 , DOI: 10.1080/17477891.2020.1840329
Sylvain Elineau 1, 2 , Esméralda Longépée 3, 4 , Lydie Goeldner-Gianella 2, 5 , Alexandre Nicolae-Lerma 1, 6 , Paul Durand 2, 5 , Brice Anselme 7


An interdisciplinary approach combining modelling and sketch maps was adopted in order to study coastal flooding risk in the town of Leucate on the French Mediterranean coast. Hydrodynamic modelling was used for reference maps. This innovative approach proposed three types of sketch mapping, covering historical coastal flooding, flood hazard areas, and no-flood hazard areas. Only 55% of the respondents agreed to draw at least one sketch map, demonstrating the difficulty of the exercise, and respondent maps show a global underestimation of the risk. The respondents mainly identify the risk of coastal flooding along the seafront (overtopping), but do not take into account potential overflowing on the lagoon side. Locally, experience of recent flooding in a district impacts on the perception of the coastal flooding hazard. The sketch maps were also analysed by considering two variables: district of residence and residential profile. As expected, the results highlight that the people living in the most exposed areas have a better perception of the hazard than those who are less exposed or who do not live in these areas. First- and second-home residents show very similar hazard mapping, however.




为了研究法国地中海沿岸 Leucate 镇的沿海洪水风险,采用了结合建模和草图的跨学科方法。水动力模型用于参考地图。这种创新方法提出了三种类型的草图绘制,涵盖历史沿海洪水、洪水灾害区和无洪水灾害区。只有 55% 的受访者同意至少绘制一张草图,展示了练习的难度,而受访者的地图显示了对风险的全球低估。受访者主要确定沿海滨(溢流)的沿海洪水风险,但没有考虑泻湖一侧的潜在溢流。在当地,一个地区最近的洪水经验会影响对沿海洪水灾害的看法。还通过考虑两个变量对草图进行了分析:居住区和住宅概况。正如预期的那样,结果突出显示,与暴露较少或不住在这些地区的人相比,生活在暴露程度最高的地区的人们对危害有更好的认识。然而,第一居所和第二居所居民显示出非常相似的危险图。
