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An Overview of Cultural Literacy in Turkey through Private Contemporary Art Institutions and Independent Arts and Cultural Spaces under the AKP Rule
Critical Arts ( IF 0.467 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-06 , DOI: 10.1080/02560046.2020.1829669
Esra Yıldız 1


Neoliberalism, which had an impact on various fields of Turkish society after the military coup on 12 September 1980, has come to dominate the arts and cultural scene more powerfully from 2002 onwards with the rule of the Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi, AKP). Museums of modern and contemporary art founded by private companies, as well as the Istanbul Biennial which had an increasing impact on the contemporary art scene after 1990, are important mediators of the contemporary cultural scene. The kind of art historical narratives they form through the exhibitions that are being organised should also be critically explored to understand how these institutions regulate and reformulate what counts as cultural literacy in direct or indirect ways. This article discusses the recent cultural and educational policies of Turkey’s ruling right-wing conservative Justice and Development Party (AKP), the impact of the privatisation of culture and the arts, and how these transformations affect cultural literacy in Turkey. While the first part of the article summarises the transformation in the educational and cultural scene in the mentioned period, the second part discusses how private contemporary art institutions and independent arts and cultural organisations shape cultural literacy amid this political atmosphere and recent transitions.




新自由主义在1980年9月12日的军事政变之后对土耳其社会的各个领域产生了影响,自2002年起,在正义与发展党(Adalet veKalkınmaPartisi, AKP)。由私人公司建立的现代和当代艺术博物馆,以及在1990年之后对当代艺术界产生越来越大影响的《伊斯坦布尔双年展》,都是当代文化界的重要调解人。还应该批判性地探索它们通过组织展览而形成的艺术历史叙事,以了解这些机构如何以直接或间接的方式调节和重新定义什么才是文化素养。本文讨论了土耳其执政的右翼保守派正义与发展党(AKP)最近的文化和教育政策,文化和艺术私有化的影响,以及这些转变如何影响土耳其的文化素养。本文的第一部分概述了上述时期教育和文化领域的转变,而第二部分则讨论了在这种政治氛围和最近的转变中,私人当代艺术机构和独立艺术与文化组织如何塑造文化素养。
