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How to protect the world from ultra-targeted biological weapons
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists ( IF 2.204 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-10 , DOI: 10.1080/00963402.2020.1846412
Filippa Lentzos


As genomic technologies develop and converge with AI, machine learning, automation, affective computing, and robotics, an ever more refined record of our biometrics, emotions, and behaviors (https://www.npr.org/sections/13.7/2018/02/28/589477976/biometric-data-and-the-rise-of-digital-dictatorship) will be captured and analyzed. These game-changing developments will deeply impact how we view health and treat disease, how long we live, and how we consider our place on the biological continuum. They will also radically transform the dual-use nature of biological research, medicine, and health care and create the possibility of novel biological weapons that target particular groups of people and even individuals. Managing the fast and broad technological advances now under way will require new governance structures that draw on individuals and groups with cross-sectoral expertise – from business and academia to politics and defense.




随着基因组技术的发展和与AI,机器学习,自动化,情感计算和机器人技术的融合,我们的生物特征,情感和行为的记录越来越精细(https://www.npr.org/sections/13.7/2018/ 02/28/589477976 /生物计量数据和数字独裁的兴起将被捕获和分析。这些改变游戏规则的发展将深刻影响我们如何看待健康和治疗疾病,我们的寿命长短以及我们在生物连续体中的地位。它们还将从根本上改变生物研究,医学和医疗保健的双重用途性质,并创造针对特定人群甚至个人的新型生物武器的可能性。
