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Developing an international research of health-care ICT applied for rehabilitation and daily living support between Japan and the Netherlands
Assistive Technology ( IF 2.170 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-28 , DOI: 10.1080/10400435.2020.1716872
Peter Bontje 1 , Robbert Kruijne 2 , Margriet Pol 2 , Kaoru Inoue 1 , Ryuji Kobayashi 1 , Yuko Ito 1 , Margo Van Hartingsveldt 2


While many health-care issues and technological solutions are viewed locally, developing new technological solutions might benefit from lessons learned globally. The aim of this study was to develop a shared international research agenda of health-care ICT, applied to rehabilitation and daily living support. This study was focused on sensor technology and social robots used for supporting older persons in the Netherlands (Amsterdam) and Japan (Tokyo). Three researchers from Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences visited Japan and four researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University visited the Netherlands and conducted field-visits and mutual presentations. Using a nominal group technique (NGT) facilitated the expert panel deliberations. Research priorities were identified qualitatively through in-action critical reflection on emerging ideas, and quantitatively by ranking of identified knowledge gaps (using the Mentimeter© app). The resulting joint research agenda identified topics around the utility of sensor monitoring and processes of acceptance of health-care ICT among older persons and occupational therapists. The agenda was complemented by formulating underlying assumptions prescribing such research to be embedded in real-life situations with the participation of stakeholders.




虽然许多医疗保健问题和技术解决方案是在当地看待的,但开发新的技术解决方案可能会受益于全球经验教训。本研究的目的是制定一个共享的国际医疗信息通信技术研究议程,应用于康复和日常生活支持。这项研究的重点是用于支持荷兰(阿姆斯特丹)和日本(东京)老年人的传感器技术和社交机器人。阿姆斯特丹应用科技大学的三名研究人员访问了日本,东京都立大学的四名研究人员访问了荷兰并进行了实地访问和相互介绍。使用名义组技术 (NGT) 促进了专家小组的审议。通过对新兴思想的行动批判性反思,定性地确定了研究重点,通过对已识别的知识差距进行排名(使用 Mentimeter© 应用程序)进行定量分析。由此产生的联合研究议程确定了有关传感器监测的效用和老年人和职业治疗师接受医疗保健 ICT 的过程的主题。该议程还通过制定基本假设来补充,这些假设规定此类研究在利益相关者的参与下嵌入现实生活中。
