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Thinking about gun violence
Criminology & Public Policy ( IF 5.085 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-11 , DOI: 10.1111/1745-9133.12519
Philip J. Cook 1

The Stockholm Prize for 2020 was awarded for research on gun violence and its prevention, and recognizes the growing depth and scope of this field. I am honored to be a co‐recipient, together with Franklin E. Zimring. This essay focuses on three of the topics that have been on my agenda over the course of the last 45 years: how best to conceptualize and measure the problem of gun violence; the availability of guns to violent offenders; and how and why to improve police investigations of criminal shooting incidents, including assaults and homicides.



2020年斯德哥尔摩奖因对枪支暴力及其预防的研究而被授予,并认可该领域的深度和范围。我很荣幸与Franklin E. Zimring一起成为共同获奖者。本文重点介绍了过去45年中我一直关注的三个主题:如何最好地概念化和衡量枪支暴力问题;向暴力犯罪者提供枪支;以及如何以及为什么改善警察对包括袭击和凶杀在内的枪击事件的调查。