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New Municipalism and the State: Remunicipalising Energy in Barcelona, from Prosaics to Process
Antipode ( IF 4.246 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-19 , DOI: 10.1111/anti.12687
James Angel 1

Bertie Russell’s 2019 Antipode paper documents the emergence of a “new municipalist” movement, which approaches the city as a strategic entry point for a radically democratic politics. Given this movement’s aspirations towards the transformation of the municipal state, how might state theory inform research and practice on new municipalism going forward? This is the question with which Russell concludes his paper and the question taken up here. The paper focuses on municipalist initiative Barcelona En Comú’s endeavours towards the remunicipalisation of energy, and the ways in which the radical vision underpinning this has been frustrated. Putting these experiences into conversation with the theoretical work of Gill Hart, I develop an “open dialectical” account of the state, which understands the processes that constitute the state as articulated through the contingent mediations of “prosaic” practices. This state theory, I argue, sheds new light on the possibilities and frustrations facing new municipalist movements.



贝蒂·罗素(Bertie Russell)的2019对本文记录了“新市政主义者”运动的出现,该运动将城市视为进行彻底民主政治的战略切入点。鉴于这一运动对市政国家转型的渴望,国家理论如何为新的市政主义的研究和实践提供信息?这是拉塞尔在其论文中总结的问题以及在此讨论的问题。本文关注的是市政主义者倡议巴塞罗那恩·库姆(Barcelona EnComú)致力于能源再分配的努力,以及阻碍实现这一目标的激进愿景的方式。将这些经验与吉尔·哈特(Gill Hart)的理论工作进行对话,我对国家进行了“开放的辩证”解释,它通过偶然的“平淡”实践的调解来理解构成国家的过程。我认为,这种状态理论为新的市政主义运动面临的可能性和挫败提供了新的启示。