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Discursive power and resistance in the information world maps of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual community leaders
Journal of Documentation ( IF 2.034 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1108/jd-08-2020-0138
Vanessa Kitzie , Travis Wagner , A. Nick Vera


This qualitative study explores how discursive power shapes South Carolina lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual (LGBTQIA+) communities' health information practices and how participants resist this power.


In total, 28 LGBTQIA+ community leaders from South Carolina engaged in semi-structured interviews and information world mapping–a participatory arts-based elicitation technique–to capture the context underlying how they and their communities create, seek, use and share health information. We focus on the information world maps for this paper, employing situational analysis–a discourse analytic method for visual data–to analyze them.


Six themes emerged describing how discursive power operates both within and outside of LGBTQIA+ communities: (1) producing absence, (2) providing unwanted information, (3) commoditizing LGBTQIA+ communities, (4) condensing LGBTQIA+ people into monoliths; (5) establishing the community's normative role in information practices; (6) applying assimilationist and metronormative discourses to information sources. This power negates people's information practices with less dominant LGBTQIA+ identities and marginalized intersectional identities across locations such as race and class. Participants resisted discursive power within their maps via the following tactics: (1) (re)appropriating discourses and (2) imagining new information worlds.


This study captures the perspectives of an understudied population–LGBTQIA+ persons from the American South–about a critical topic–their health–and frames these perspectives and topics within an informational context. Our use of information world mapping and situational analysis offers a unique and still underutilized set of qualitative methods within information science research.




这项定性研究探讨了话语权如何塑造南卡罗来纳州的女同性恋,男同性恋,双性恋,变性者,同性恋,两性和无性(LGBTQIA +)社区的健康信息实践,以及参与者如何抵抗这种能力。


来自南卡罗来纳州的28位LGBTQIA +社区领导人参加了半结构化访谈和信息世界地图绘制(一种基于参与式艺术的启发技术),以捕捉他们及其社区如何创建,寻求,使用和共享健康信息的基础。我们将重点放在本文的信息世界地图上,采用情境分析(一种可视数据的话语分析方法)对它们进行分析。


出现了六个主题,描述了话语权在LGBTQIA +社区内部和外部的运作方式:(1)导致缺席;(2)提供不需要的信息;(3)使LGBTQIA +社区商品化;(4)将LGBTQIA +的人们凝聚为一体;(5)建立社区在信息实践中的规范作用;(6)将同化主义和都市规范性话语应用于​​信息源。这种能力以种族,阶级等不同位置的LGBTQIA +身份较少和边缘化的交叉身份来否定人们的信息习惯。参与者通过以下策略抵制其地图中的话语权:(1)(重新)适当使用话语,以及(2)想象新的信息世界。


这项研究捕获了一个被研究不足的人群(来自美国南方的LGBTQIA +人群)关于一个关键主题(其健康状况)的观点,并在信息环境中构建了这些观点和主题。我们对信息世界的映射和情况分析的使用在信息科学研究中提供了一套独特但仍未得到充分利用的定性方法。
