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Between faith and scepticism: Nicholas Rengger’s reflections on the ‘hybridity’ of modernity
International Relations ( IF 2.073 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-23 , DOI: 10.1177/0047117820968624
Vassilios Paipais 1

In this essay, I offer a brief assessment of Nicholas Rengger’s engagement with arguments arising from the theological critique of modern politics and of his take on the relationship between faith and philosophy in modernity. Rengger’s scepticism, a peculiar mix of naturalism and philosophical idealism, combining insights from Oakeshott, Santayana and Augustine, did not cordon off faith but sought to work out its tensive relationship with practical forms of reasoning in modernity, a condition he described as a ‘hybrid’. Rengger’s critique of the hybridity of modernity rests on assumptions that expose some of the unresolved tensions of his anti-Pelagian scepticism.



在这篇文章中,我简要评估了尼古拉斯·伦格 (Nicholas Rengger) 对现代政治的神学批判所引起的论点的参与,以及他对现代性中信仰与哲学之间关系的看法。伦格尔的怀疑主义是自然主义和哲学理想主义的奇特混合,结合了奥克肖特、桑塔亚纳和奥古斯丁的见解,并没有封锁信仰,而是试图解决其与现代性中实际推理形式的紧张关系,他将这种情况描述为“混合” '。伦格尔对现代性混合性的批判基于一些假设,这些假设暴露了他的反伯拉纠怀疑主义中一些尚未解决的紧张局势。