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Hypermodern Video Games as Emblems of Empire or How the Gaming Multitude Adapts to Hypermodernity
Games and Culture ( IF 2.180 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-22 , DOI: 10.1177/1555412020961849
Maude Bonenfant 1

To demonstrate how Games of Empire (Dyer-Witheford, N., & de Peuter, G. (2009). Games of empire. Global capitalism and video games, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota) elaborated an important standpoint within critical game studies, this article discusses the thesis that a specific type of video games perfectly converges with our contemporary modes of representation and praxis, which are best situated within the paradigm of hypermodernity (Lipovetsky, G. (1983). L’ère du vide: Essais sur l’individualisme contemporain. Paris. Gallimard, coll. «Folio essais»; Lipovetsky, G. & Charles, S. (2004). Les temps hypermodernes. Paris: Bernard Grasset, «Nouveau collège de philosophie»). Hypermodernity radicalizes modernity because, within hypermodernity, values such as progress, reason, and happiness are overly (hyper) actualized rather than surpassed (post) (Aubert, N. (2006) (dir). L’individu hypermoderne. Toulouse: Eres, coll. «Sociologie clinique»; Giddens, A. (1990). The consequences of modernity. Stanford: Stanford University Press). Based on an archetypal account, that is, a theoretical model rather than a case study, this article will show how hypermodern video games' commercialization and use within a capitalist context are emblematic of hypermodernity. We will also evaluate how these games promote adaptation to hypermodernity toward an "ideal" becoming-player for Empire. In conclusion, if playing can be seen as the multitude's escape hatch out of the dominant order, this article will explain how hypermodern video games, as a media, may also be viewed as a key site where asymmetrical and unequal relationships replicate within Empire.



为了演示帝国游戏(Dyer-Witheford,N.,&de Peuter,G.(2009)。帝国游戏。全球资本主义和视频游戏,明尼阿波利斯:明尼苏达大学)如何阐明重要游戏研究中的重要观点,本文讨论了这样一种论点,即特定类型的视频游戏与我们当代的表征和实践模式完美融合,而这种模式最好位于超现代性范式之内(Lipovetsky,G。(1983)。),视频游戏:Essais sur l' individualisme当代巴黎伽利玛,COLL«开本essais»;。。Lipovetsky,G。&查尔斯,S.(2004)莱斯临时工hypermodernes。巴黎:伯纳德·格拉塞(Bernard Grasset),《哲学新哲学》。超现代性使现代性激增,因为在超现代性中,诸如进步,理性和幸福之类的价值过分()实现而不是超越(后))(Aubert,N.(2006)(dir)。L'individu hypermoderne。图卢兹:Eres,Coll。«Sociologie clinique»; Giddens,A.(1990)。现代性的后果。斯坦福:斯坦福大学出版社)。本文基于原型模型,即理论模型而不是案例研究,将展示超现代视频游戏在资本主义背景下的商业化和使用是超现代性的象征。我们还将评估这些游戏如何促进对超现代的适应,使之成为帝国的“理想”玩家。总而言之,如果玩游戏可以看作是大众脱离主流秩序的逃生之门,那么本文将解释作为媒介的超现代视频游戏如何也可以被视为在帝国中复制不对称和不平等关系的关键场所。
